Planning summer holiday

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2 years ago

Hello guys! Hope you are all doing good. These days I am sea sick. It's mid-June, and it is all I think about. But I am not even sure will I go to the seaside. First, it is a financial thing, than planning isn't going so well. This year, a group of 5 of us wants to go together, but planning that is not so easy. There are many obstacles that come in the way. For example:

  1. Financial - Not everyone is in the same financial position. It would be the easiest to go somewhere with a plane, all-inclusive, but that's not an option for us. So we need to compromise and have budget

  2. Place - We had open cards for this at the start, but things changed. Greece was an option, but then traveling far (to the specific parts where we wanted to go) with a bus for some people in the group wasn't the best idea. On the other hand, going by car would be much more expensive, so that was off as well. Turkey was also an option, but one friend is scared there might be some disarray, and not comfortable going there. Croatia is beautiful and close enough, but too expensive, unfortunately. So it came down to Montenegro. 

  3. Time - This is a problem because we need to find 10 days in summer that works for all of us, and for some it's quite difficult and not so flexible. However, we have found a date range that works for all, hopefully, and it's the second part of July. This is not matching well with our budget, because it is peak of the season, but again, we had to compromise. This part is also bad because at this time most places are rented already, and not too many good things are left available.

  4. Accomodation - Maybe this one is not so problematic, we don't seek for luxury but normal place, but position of place is important. Even though we will have a car down there, I am not a fan of going to the beach by car. We would had to go at the same time, and come back at the same time, and probably, spend entire day at the beach, in the sun. This is why we want something closer to the beach, so anyone can come and go at anytime.

  5. Other things - You know how they say, "100 people, 100 minds". When you have more people they all have different opinions and needs, and not everyone likes and wants same thing. Nothing works for everyone. This is why compromise and understanding is so important.

I just hope we will make some plan in the end and menage to go all together. It's about company, and fun times, not about the place. But if we don't, I am not sure I will go to the sea side in the summmer. Maybe at end of the summer, in September instead, but that's also questionable. All the more reasons to hope that we will find good place that is availabe on dates that are good for us.

Lead image in this article is original photo, taken by me.

Thank you for reading my post ❤️

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2 years ago
