Learning something new

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2 years ago

When was the last time you learned something new? It could be today, it could be yesterday, it could be days ago. Very often we learn things, not even realizing it or giving it any importance. Also, when it comes to learning, many people think of school and study, and many don't like it. It's boring or hard for some. It's a challenge for some, or even a way to prove something. But learning can be fun and interesting and doesn't even have to be something hard. If you chose a subject that is interesting to you, something that you always find intriguing, maybe you should give it a try.

Learning something new is also working on yourself, improving and growing you and your mind and knowledge. It doesn't even have to be useful, or related to your work or life in general. If it gives you a pleasure and if it is fun, it is worth it if you ask me. But it can also be something useful, like learning a new language. It is okay even if it's not to be used for professional reasons, but only to understand your favorite TV show without subtitles, or to read your favorite book in original edition. Or maybe you can just improve language you already know, and take it to the next level.

There are books to improve your mind, thinking, memory,... But I know those are not for everyone. Not everyone seeks for it. I like it, but I also like learning something not important at all, like flags. Flags of all of the countries in the world. It is fun to me, I have application and that's how I learn it, but I think I will also start drawing them too, as final step to make sure I know it. On the way of doing this I will learn which continent each country belongs to (this tho I mostly know already), maybe where exactly on the map it is, and capital city. If we talk about geography, I am very bad with rivers, mountains, but it is much more interesting to me to learn capital cities and flags. Maybe some other day, who knows, it won't be bad to improve it.

If you are still learning and plan to learn many more things, it's not bad to first learn some learnings techniques, like mind maps which is one very popular and famous technique. Or maybe improving memory by reading a book about it and practicing. Speed reading, also. It is very popular and very useful technique to know. All of this takes time to do and learn, but in long term, it can save you a lot of time for the future studies. 

My point is, weather it is theoretical physics or something so basic and not important, like learning flags around the world, do it. Everything counts. You will feel better after it, and heavier for the some extra knowledge that you got from ot, fullfiled and smarter. So weather ots new language or new cooking recipe, or new flag, just give it a try :)

Photo that I used as lead image is from Unsplash.com

Thank you so much for reading my post 💓

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Avatar for moonlight22
2 years ago


We should learn something everyday, that's life, a constant of lessons to keep learning and becoming better persons.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, we can learn everyday and from any situation, if we want to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Most of the time, I learned new words at least two per day. It keeps me growing and using those words in my article. Haha. So that I would not forget it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is very good and useful :D

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2 years ago