Get to know my cat family

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2 years ago

Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since last time that I posted here. It was due to many things, but mostly I was busy with my study, and didn't had inspiration or anything interesting to post. I plan to become more active here in a week, because next week will also be busy for me. I have some more study to finish and also some events, guests... But this also mean I will have some new things to post about.

Now I am back home for few days (till Monday) and temperatures in my hometown are still low. I was out to get some woods for fire, and of course all cats were following me. They didn't help but they were curious to see what I do, they jumped around, played with little pieces of wood, and very short of time, they posed for me so I could take few photos that are not blurry. Since it's Saturday ( #Caturday )and I haven't write about cats here before, I would like to introduce you to my cat family. I wasn't cat person at all, but now that we have them I stated to like them a lot. Even though they are much different then my all time love-dogs, they are very interesting and loveable as well.

Our cat family

In this photo you can see all of them, but actually one the one in far back is my cat, Tom. Tom and Maza, who is on the left, are mom and dad to the other two, Mila on the right and Dobrila in the front.

We got Tom in August of 2020, as kitten, and only few weeks later someone dropped Maza near to our home. She was scared of my dog so she run to next house and she stayed there. Tom and Maza become lovebirds very soon, and next year we got these two kittens. Kittens were very cute, one reminded me more of Tom, and other of Maza, and even though first plan was to find them other home, my little cousin insisted to keep them, so they stayed. They live with mother, but since its next door, they are together most of the time. The kittens will be one year old in May, and Tom will be 2 then. Maza is little younger then Tom.

They are all very cute, different and I love all of them. Maza was best model for me so far, but I love and try to take photos of all of them. Here are some other photos that I took also today.

I will share more photos of all of them some other time, and also photos of them when they were younger. I have the most photos of Tom, specially when he was little, he was very cute and playful.

This is just a 'return' post. To motivate myself to write here again. I would like to talk about some serious subjects here too, but also I will share nature, animals and some basic things from my life as well.

See you all in a week, probably.

Thank you for reading my post, and happy weekend to you all!

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2 years ago
