Eurovision semi-final 1

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Avatar for moonlight22
2 years ago

Hey everyone! I wasn't posting as usual here. I was a bit busy, but also didn't have much inspiration and what to post about. Tonight, the fist semi-final night of the Eurovision contest was held. I went to my sister's place to watch it together with her and friends. I was already alone in the apartment, so company was good anyway.


I consider myself someone how has good taste in music and listen to quality and good music, not just something that is currently popular, or club music. However, Eurovision, even though I don't consider it to be a high quality music contest, is kind of tradition to me. I like contests in general, and here we also have all countries of Europe and even some outside of it. It's nice to see other cultures, how other countries vote, and to cheer for your own. I think, through years, I got some kind of feeling what will do well in Eurovision, and that is not necessarily the best song, the song I like the most, or the song with the best music and lyrics.

Beside not high quality music, other problem with Eurovision is politics. It become more and more present in Eurovision, and I hope it will not ruin contest (like it ruins everything else). Just like this year, Ukraine is the biggest favorite.

Tonight, in this semi-finals we could see representatives of seventeen countries, Albania, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland, Slovenia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Moldova, Portugal, Croatia, Denmark, Austria, Iceland, Greece, Norway, Armenia.

My prediction was that Switzerland, Ukraine, Netherlands, Moldova, Denmark and Norway will go to the final, and since I knew there are more who will go to final (10 total) I thought among them could be Portugal and Armenia as well. My prediction was pretty good, only Denmark didn't go to the final of all of my bets. And beside them, also Lithuania and Greece made their spots in the final.

My choice was not only made based on what I like, but what I think it will do well on Eurovision, what is interesting, and what is currently modern and popular. One thing I really like is when they sing on mother tongue. I think it's really important, and this kind of competition has no point if everyone sings in English. Specially when it comes to countries with great and melodic languages, like Italian.

The surprise of the evening for me was Moldavia. I haven't heard their song before this evening, and it was not something I expected. They also didn't sing in English, so that was a plus. It was different and attempt to mix ethnic and traditional with modern music. They used harmonica, which is used a lot of here, and song was dynamic and cheerful. The song reminded me of Ukraine song, which is also a mix of ethnic and modern (rap), but it has more serious subject.

On Thursday we will watch second semi-finals, and also cheer for our representative, Konstrakta. I am very glad she is representing us this year, and I like the song, it has good lyrics and meaning, but it's also catchy and good for Eurovision, in my opinion.

Do you watch Eurovision and do you have favorites this year?

Photos I used in this article are from

Thank you for reading my post ^^

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Avatar for moonlight22
2 years ago


I don't look because it's not worth ,they only win whoever they want, they don't win on merit and then I don't get angry with such a show I like other shows, one that promotes real talents, in music, theater and others in my country (Romania) there is a show called Romanians have talent, there is also a variant in london as if,where different people, young people come and demonstrate some really surprisingly good talents🙂

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed, it's always about politics, and you can know who is winner even before songs. It's sad, but it is how this world function, unfortunately, You are right, er also had talent shows here and it was great, but not any in the last few years.

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2 years ago