Bullet journal - ideas and motivation

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2 years ago

If you don't know what bullet journal is, ,it's basically type of diary and to do list, that is done monthly. It can be any notes that you have, that you can turn into your personal organizer. I started bullet journaling few years ago but I wasn't doing it whole time since then. I changed it based on what you do and what I need at the moment, but I always start from the first monthly page. I know it's been 7 days in March already, but I promised to share my spread, and also you can start it anytime.

This step is not necessary of course, if you don't want to draw, you don't have to, it's not important. But I like to do it. Usually I find my inspiration for these pages on youtube or instagram, and this time it was Amanda Rach Lee video (on her youtube you can find more about bullet journaling). I shared photos of process of drawing my front page for March.

Next important thing in my bullet journal are habit and expenses tracker. I do basic table where put all days in week and 'habits' that I want to track. For me that's how much water I take (because I am bad at this) do I spent money that that and did I had junk food (this is more like motivation not to do it, then something that's important to keep track of). Also in my table I have reading and drawing. If I plan to work out that month I also add that, and so on. So, you just put things that are important to you and you want to keep track of. This is great to motivate yourself to last at something but also to see for real how much days a month you do something, or not. Some people also keep track of sleep hours, mood, how many steps they did that day... You don't have limits here, you can keep track of anything.

When it comes to second part of this page - expenses, I don't make entry each day, I just write when there is change (paying bills, purchase,...) , so this table is bit different then first but for me they are both on same page, I like to save space. Any tracker can be made separately if you want so (like mood tracker), and very creative too, just search for ideas online if you are interested in it.

It's good to make little calendar in the journal too, so you can see when is which date and also mark if you have any event any day, or birthday or something important happening. This month I made little calendar, but sometimes I make bigger one if there is need for that. On the same page I write movies and series I watched that month and books that I read. Again, nothing important, it's just matter of preference do you want to keep track of that or not. Some people make songs tracker too, so they write down songs that they listened and discovered that month. It's all up to you. Sometimes I also make table for online earning where I keep track of how much I used and earned on specific site/app so that I know which ones are good and which ones are just waste of time.

And main part of journal is daily entry. For each day you will write what you want to do that day, and at end of the day you will check all things that you did. If you are just starting this, I suggest you to don't write to many things, just few things so you can do it, and then later you will be more aware of your time and how to menage it best way.

There are apps now that can help you with organizing (like notion) if you are not fan of pen and paper, but I like to do it this way. I hope I gave you some ideas and you can find many more on youtube if this is something interesting to you.

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Avatar for moonlight22
2 years ago


When I feel talented people like this, I feel so worthless.. you are cool

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2 years ago

Aww, thank you doll <3

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2 years ago