A boy's love story.

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2 years ago

I am telling you the love story of a boy.

The story I will tell you today is real and true.

There are many people in the world who love love and love the person they love even if they don't express their love.

The love story started in 2011. I have known the story since 2013

The year was 2013, nine years before today.

At the beginning of 2013, we were preparing for admission in the varsity, then I went to study coaching with many friends, there were many friends in one place every day.

A month later, I talked to a friend and noticed that friend, one of my girlfriends started walking behind him when he was walking.

Many of us noticed this, so every day we continue to notice the incident, a few days later I asked my friend what is the situation? What is your story?

Then the friend began to say the words about his feelings and the love of his heart.

Then the boy started telling us his love story.

The boy said I have loved the girl for two years.

Wherever he goes, I stay.

In this way, he told us all the stories about when, how, when, as many stories as he had.

After listening to all the stories like this, it felt good to know later whether the girl loves the boy or not, the boy does not know.

Then things started to get worse.

But the boy kept saying and the boy kept following the girl all the time.

However, we also noticed that when the boy was walking behind the girl, sometimes the girl would look behind him.

But many days went by like this, almost the end of our studies.

Then we found out about that girlfriend.

We tried to understand the reasons for the girl's silence

The depth of love and the words of love may not be known very often.

Later we find out about the girl.

Many years ago, the girl had an older sister, who married out of love.

This caused a lot of unrest in the family. There is a lot of unrest in the family because of sister, so this girl can't say anything.

They are very cautious and have sent many of their wishes to the land of no-say.

There are some life stories that may never be told to anyone.

I noticed that the girlfriend never told her story to anyone. I have never shared my emotions with anyone. Due to which we may never understand the love that is hidden in his mind.

When we asked who the boy was, he kept saying that.

Later I did not talk to the boy for many years. One day I heard that the girl got married in another place. Maybe the boy's love is not known anymore.

If you had read my story and understood, if you had told me a little, I would have understood something better about my story writing. I may not have written this story as well as I know, but I have tried to write this story in a good way. I really disliked the story then because the love between the boy and the girl was not revealed.

But I think what is for the future is good

There may be many more such stories in the world, but I shared with you the fact that I knew the true story very closely.

I wish you all good health and have a good day.

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2 years ago
