Falling in love is easy but making that relationship to last long is difficult.

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3 years ago

Yes , yes! It seems so promising at the beginning, but after a few days, it slowly begins to crumble into fragments with every passing day for no apparent reason at all.

At one point, you could be left wondering why things didn't work. It's normal, man.

You should recognize that partnerships are not stagnant and the individuals concerned shift over time.

We're all evolving over time. Who's against me for this?

The guy you dated or married is not going to be the same guy for a certain amount of time. Not just people, their emotions, their actions, their beliefs, their presence, and what they don't, ALL changes with time!

This continual transition opens the door to a variety of complications that will eventually ruin the relationship.

And your partnership is about how well you handle this transition, which in turn depicts the distinction between the partnership that lasts and stands as an inspiration.

It takes a lot of concessions, compromises, and obligations to maintain a friendship going. It's more than about giving your partner your heart and time to experience the magic of life together.

Relationships aren't necessarily a fun trip, there's going to be a lot of challenges. And only if you pass these barriers will you be able to reach your dream destination filled with love and joy.

Be frank about your thoughts and emotions, because Transparency is the secret to a good relationship. Often come out freely, even though you have cause to be skeptical, to make it clear.

No one in this universe is flawless, everybody has their own pros and cons. So please try to be kind and considerate of your partner.

Make the change from "me" to "us."

Don't do anything for you, consider the viewpoints of your companion and value their opinions. Before making any choices, make sure they fulfill all of your needs.

If you have arguments, try to negotiate and concentrate on tie-up with your mate, no matter whose fault it was.

When the nails get thicker, we cut the nails, not the fingers. Likewise, if there's an ego in a relationship that cuts off your ego, not a relationship.

Use the chance to feed your love, not your ego.

The one you love would not have the same desires, emotions , ideas and viewpoints as yours.

There is no one on earth who would be consistent with you in any way. It doesn't mean that you should be involved in their preferences, or that you, too, should enjoy what they like.

What you should both do is know what they want, why they like it and encourage each other's passions to the full.

Don't put needless constraints on the constraint of your options. Value each other's views and opinions.

Relationship compatibility can only be accomplished if you abandon your comfort zone and cherish the guy with whom you are.

Be supportive and value the differences. It may take some time, but you're going to meet a compatible soul mate who's going to be the way you want.

Not everybody is going to have the same pattern of conversation as yours.

As and and every person is raised differently, issues are dealt with differently.

Be kind of your words, and it's a mixture of what we mean and the way we mean that affects our people.

Lack of contact leads to a misunderstanding, which is often one of the key explanations for the breakdown of marriages.

Therefore, strive to be transparent to express your emotions in an appropriate manner to prevent any kind of misunderstandings.

Talk a bit less and listen to me a little more. Listening to your mate is the most successful way to reduce relationship problems.

Don't bring up unrelated background problems over and over again. Only chat about the latest problem and try to fix it.

Finally, speaking every day is really important , particularly in a long-distance relationship. ​

At the end of the day, we would conclude there is no friendship without contact.

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3 years ago
