Bicol express

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3 years ago

Ingredient and Portion

2 kls. pork belly (menudo cut)
3 pcs. coconut (meat grated and extracted into 1st and 2nd extraction) *it is better to buy in wet markets since they already have improvised coconut milk extraction machine*
1/2 k. bagoong alamang
6 segments garlic, pounded and minced
2 medium onions, chopped
1/2 finger chilies or sili pangsigang ( sliced diagonally)
dash of pepper
dash of sugar (to balance the taste if bagoong is too salty)


1. Wash and drain the pork cutlets and set aside.
2. In a wok with 3 cups water,bring to boil the meat cutlets until tender.
3. When the wok is almost dry and the pork starts to sizzle, add the onions and garlic then saute in the pork's own fat.
4. When almost brown and fragrant with spices, add the bagoong alamang then mix and cook.
5. Pour the 2nd extracted coconut milk then simmer.
6, Add the sliced finger chilis.cook for 5 minutes.
7. Pour the remaining coconut cream and simmer.
8. Cook for another 5 minutes.
9. Balance the taste with sugar, salt if needed and a dash of pepper


1. When tenderizing the meat in the wok, cook in slow fire. It is best to use the 2nd extracted coconut milk in boiling and tenderizing the meat.
2. wash and drain the bagoong alamang if you think it is too salty. You may also taste if the taste of bagoong is better as is or if it needs to be strained.
3. You may also adjust the level of "hotness" of the dish. Just remember the authentic Bicol express is so hot and spicy.
4. It depends upon you if you like the dish to develop curded oil. In order to make the dish develop "latik" slow cook until oil comes out.

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$ 0.00


I am cooking right now using your receipe.Please notice me//Your receipe is the simpliest and easiest way. Thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very easy to make but when it comes to taste it is very delicious

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Rap 🤤😋

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Iba ang pinoy foods. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago