Do you have to be right-wing to be against immigration?

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5 days ago

I grew up in a middle eastern country where Christianity and LGBTQ are both persecuted. The Islamic fundamentalists would make a show on Twitter on how they were catching and beating Christians up. People retweeted and liked that. My parents fled to Netherlands for safety, and now years later, they are being threatened by the same problems that they fled from.

You are going to say: "Hey you hypocrite, you're also a migrant in our country, how can you say no to immigrants?". Allow me to explain.

Both the US and Europe (well, majority of the Western European countries at least) were built on liberal and democratic principles. You do you, I do me. As long as you don't infringe on my rights, I don't infringe on yours. We can both coexist with our weird quirks, trade, sell each other houses, make a BBQ in the weekend and drink some beers, and generally respect each others differences.

Not so much of that lately. Millions of people who believe that women "should be seen, not heard", that gays deserve to be thrown off buildings, women who wear short clothing deserve sexual assault, children who "disobey the parents and dishonor the family" deserve a revenge killing, and so on....They are all coming to your city, near you.

Theft and violent crimes are on the rise. Because you, as an infidel, you are worth less than the gum below their feet, you deserve to be looted from, attacked, your wives harassed etc.

Sharia patrols are on the rise in the UK. If you get caught with a bottle of beer in your hand (perfectly legal in the UK) you will get a "stern warning", as if they make the law there and you'll deal with the fear of a group of bearded men demanding you stop drinking. Even if they won't do anything, why would you deal with the stress? And how long until they decide they can get away with punishing you?

I just don't see how western liberal and democratic values will survive this wave. By the time Europe puts controls on migration, we will have to move to another place just so I don't have to worry that, if my son turns out to be gay and wants to walk hand in hand with his boyfriend, or if my daughter wants to wear a Jesus piece on her neck, they won't be safe to do so.

What do you think? Comment below!

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5 days ago
