Happy Sunday (Back on track)

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Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog for the day. Hope everyone is fine and well enjoying their nice day. It's been a while since I posted as I was doing my day in life series in which I post daily but after some time it felt like not everyday I have something worth writing or it's a still day or same day whatever. So I decided to stop that for a bit a figure out something and start again. So that's why I stopped writing daily.

I still haven't figured out what changes to make and what should I write but meanwhile i can't let my blog die out and I had some pretty packed week so I thought while figuring things out let's post a weekly post and start from there.

So no more waking up at 10 stuff in this, straight to business kind of blog. Speaking of that I am still doing my funding challenge and is trying my absolute best to pass it and yeah I believe I will pass it this time. Believe believe believe even if you don't believe. Heard it from Instagram but it kind of stayed in my mind. So it's time of harvesting coconuts so one of the day I was engaged in that activity. Not climbing obviously I can't do that but collecting from the grounds and sorting it into sacks for transporting to house and that kind of stuff. It was done kind of early morning to avoid hot sun in the middle of the day. So it was a cool day and drove back to home with some coconuts can't complain.

Had gone to city twice or something for some various things and for applying for some papers. So that kind of took most of the two days.

Also had a marriage function of friends sister so it was a two day function that is one night and one day. So everyone that is my friends were there for two days. One of the day is Sunday and the function was almost over some time after noon so while everyone is there we took a small trip to a close hill station and it was raining as well so it was a nice trip and it's fog everywhere covering hills and as the altitude increase it's a bit cold as well. I will add some photos as well.

For Friday had the usual noon prayers and things as always. On to some other matter I have been watching cryptos to keep a tab as it's all going down so I have been watching them. Also the usual going out at night is still there except two or three days as it was raining heavy and can't leave house. So there's the end of it. Thanks for checking out my post and Until next time goodbye.

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El verdor de la siembra se hace presente, [que bonito se ve!

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1 year ago


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1 year ago

Wait till it starts to fill up

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1 year ago

It's feels like pouring coin into an ocean

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1 year ago

The bull Run is about to begin

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1 year ago

I can't watch crypto anymore because it hurts my eyes. My money feels like it's on blaze. Hahaha

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1 year ago