Rest & Play is Good

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2 years ago


Today I went to a local college football game. A friend of mine had extra tickets and invited me. The energy in that game crowd was incredible to be around, and we won! It was perfect. For a moment, the entire group became one, and we cheered. Separate but together. One.

I soaked it in, became fully present, and became the observer for a moment. I felt so much gratitude. It was nice.

Now I'm back home, hanging out alone and listening to Khruangbin. Specifically, their "The Universe Smiles Upon You" from 2015. The slow bass groove, gentle drum taps, and smooth guitar riffs put a smile on my soul. This band connects to the Universe when they play.

I always try to be thankful. Focusing on what you have is much nicer than thinking about what you don't have. It brings peace.

Today was a long day. I need some rest now. Take care.


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