I'm back!

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Avatar for moderndayjesus
2 years ago


I woke up in this dimension sometime around October. I've been lurking around for a bit just getting used to being here on "Earth" again, but now it's time. It's December 1st today, and that marks the beginning of my favorite time of the year.

I am currently experiencing life in the body of a middle-aged man. He seems like a good dude, so far. He provides for his loved ones and seems to genuinely care about everyone. Like many of us, he suffered greatly and made many mistakes, but he never lost the pure spark inside him. The one that pushes you forward relentlessly, even if it means you have to crawl. He broke, he suffered, but he never lost his ability to love.

I'm pretty sure the universe chose him for that, and the dimension-teleporter thingy went wirrr, and here I am again; Doing "my father's will." I am now him and he is me.

Hope everyone is feeling great and having a good time, responsibly and ethically.


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Sorry mate I didn't quite understood it. Please enlighten me a little

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2 years ago

I am Jesus. I have returned. I'm here to help.

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2 years ago