Balance is good

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2 years ago


This wine I picked up at the store today is pretty good! Not as good as something I'd produce (I have a secret ingredient), but you know, it felt nice. Not too dry, not too sweet, not too bitter. The creator of this wine balanced everything just right, down to the marketing on the label and their website—the Goldilocks zone of wines. What about us, in human flesh? It's nearly impossible to achieve perfect balance, but we should always strive for some balance in our lives to find peace and contentment. The book of Ecclesiastes touches on this nicely; it's probably my favorite part of the Bible, right after 1 Corinthians 10.

Decent balance. That's all we need to get by.

I don't need much. I've lived both the broke and aimless and very comfortable lives and have realized that material things do not bring happiness. They might cause temporary excitement, but not satisfaction and peace long term. Once I reached a certain income level where I wasn't worrying about paying bills, my life became more manageable. I felt great for a few months, but when the mild depression and apathy hit, I realized I wasn't happy or satisfied with any of it. As long as I'm safe and comfortable enough, what more could I want?

I have everything I need.

I am very blessed or favored, whichever you prefer. The blessings I've received in my life have allowed me to have an environment where I can be present. I am incredibly grateful and appreciative that I live in a place where there is no war and things are going pretty well.

Being present and blessed allows me to not worry about the future too much, especially for trivial things like what I'm going to eat next, what I'm going to wear, or what might happen tomorrow. I plan for things but understand that anything can happen.

Tomorrow will be an exciting day, that I know for sure. When you've lifted the veil, everything is magic.

Happy to be here right now. This moment. Peace.


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2 years ago
