Women and menses

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3 years ago

Menses is red warning for women, actually when it comes every month be careful women in not good mood .But this only my opinion as women.Menses cramps is the worst discomfort unable to tolerate well.My ways to deal reduce menses cramps drinking hot water such as milo and coffee . Drinking a hot water make blood flow menses comes out smoothly and automatically reduce menses cramps.

Deal with menses from day 1 until menses almost dry is silly things to do. First please increase hygiene and handle properly sanitary pad.In this time women feel dirty and must change regular sanitary pad at least 3 sanitary pad per day.

During menses day women's body can get easily trapped bad wind .Bad wind when entering into women body not a good sign to deal .Actually from start had menses I'm also not care about bad wind trapped inside .But after married and given child birth just realized to care about this problem .Then make research for myself and handle.

Thanks God now I'm start do herbs water for myself when my menses start to dry for maximum clearance blood flow. I'm feeling better now after drinking up herbs water it helps my womb healthy.

Herbs water that I'm doing by myself consist lemongrass , pandan leaves , ginger, turmeric, seed halb and honey.Boil in 2 cup glasses full of water and make sure boiled until get 1 cup glass.After that drink herbs water after get warm.You can get result in half-hour after drink up herbs water bad trapped wind comes out and feel better.

That all from me today, I hope this method helps some women out there to deal with menses every month.

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Written by
3 years ago


Women are really trying menses cramp is really worst

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3 years ago