The pic which you seen below are the the most wonderful pic of the 2020 which shows itself beauty without any thing i write . The charming greenery mountains looking very beautiful and the small houses saw the sceen of small village . The people of this village are very simple which have hens as you seen in the pic . The hen lays a egg . They itself eats and also sell in the different cities as thier profession .  The hens  are the blessing of God . Whic lays egg  rich in protien and from the egg also the small chicks are come out by hatching the upper layer of egg  . The most beautiful and wonderful information of hen is that they also find thier own food from the fields . I have small dream to live in this place and i have the farms of hens . Hen is the charming in looking but they also bitting people sometimes of they are hungry . May these are the two sisters or two brothers or one sister and one brother . In short This pic won all the awards of world in pic competition if you put your hand on my hands Thanks for your love
The life of city is full of harm and tension of money and other things . But the life of village is simple and best in which all people's help each other in trouble . At short  my village is the best in all over the universe . The people which find peace and calm then the village is the best place for them for thiers trips picnic etcÂ
I capture this beautiful pic of my village which shows you all the beauty of my village
Beauty don't need any words to explain. Beauty itself speaks and the eyes listen to it. The heart beats towards it, the leg moves towards it, the ear turn towards it, the nose smells toward it. ♥