He is the official police dog of all EU countries

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3 years ago
Topics: Facts, World

He is the official police dog of all EU countries

Intelligent and very active, the raspberry has proven itself to the world as a dog excellent in working with the police and unsurpassed in the search for narcotics.

Malinois are a smart dog who is distrustful of strangers but almost never aggressive.

Intelligent and very active, the raspberry has proven itself to the world as a dog excellent in working with the police and unsurpassed in the search for narcotics. He is the official police dog of all EU countries, he is also used by the Marines, and in our country by the gendarmerie and the army.

The Malinois is a medium-sized dog that at first glance irresistibly resembles a German Shepherd, which is why it often happens that people mix them. However, there are significant differences in body structure and to some extent in temperament between the two races; the most important is that the raspberry is smaller.

This difference is extremely important because raspberries, therefore, can do something that a "German" never has - to live comfortably in an apartment.

It is, on average, 58 cm (females) to 62 cm (males) tall. and weighing from 20-25 kg (females) to 25-30 kg (males).

In addition to that advantage, many experts say that the raspberry is much more cautious and reacts faster because it has better reflexes than its far more famous and popular German cousin. It is a very hardy dog ​​of a mild nature with which a person can communicate very well and cooperate very well.

Also, it is a dog in which rescue services have the most trust when it is most difficult, when lives are hanging by a thread. He is extremely reliable as a cattle hunter, protector, and is very attached to the owner and the family.

They are usually very intense dogs who like to be involved in all family activities. For this reason, they are by no means recommended for owners who work overtime or are often on trips leaving their pet at home.

Due to their energy levels and sensitivity, raspberries are recommended for people who have previously had a dog and who have experience with training.

However, properly grown raspberries are very good with children, especially if they grew up next to them. There is a tendency for this dog to behave protectively towards children in such situations - just like towards the herd.

The Malinois is an excellent sporty working dog that captivates with its speed, explosiveness, desire to work, courage and sharpness when needed. In the house and yard, he is constantly on the move and vigilantly watches and guards his territory.

Due to its mobility, speed and endurance, there are almost no problems with muscles and hip dysplasia, like some other sports working breeds.

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$ 0.05 from @Snezana28
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3 years ago
Topics: Facts, World


Malinois are dogs with a lot of energy and they need a lot of mental stimulation and walking. The most important thing for Malinoa is socialization, because if they are not socialized, they become aggressive and it is very difficult to clean up such behavior afterwards. He is a guard dog, he adores his boss and always protects him as well as the space in which he is.

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3 years ago