For many older fellow citizens, Covid 19 is a step backwards in life, so because of it there is no socializing, face-to-face conversations, larger family gatherings ...
What are the everyday obstacles and problems of senior citizens, whether this pandemic has changed their view of old age and aging, whether it has further limited them or given them an incentive to be as creative as possible are just some of the questions What is common to older people around the world is that they faced fears - fear of getting infected, fear of the underlying disease, but also fear of children who lost their jobs and grandchildren who do not go to school, and whose parents have to work. The data showed that there was solidarity for the elderly that we thought did not exist. In 79.5 percent of cases, the elderly believe that solidarity in emergency situations is something that is an example for the younger generations. It has been shown that in situations like this there is an instinctive feeling to help someone in need despite a direct sense of vulnerability. According to the latest data, there are 901 million people over the age of 60 in the world, and according to estimates, that number will double by 2050.
At the time of the pandemic, there was also solidarity among the elderly, so many continued to be volunteers and help their peers by phone. - A special risk is the digital exclusion of the elderly because it has been shown that 90 percent of them use the Internet to communicate with children, and only 10 percent for services. It is precisely the education of the elderly within the framework of information and communication technologies that needs to be worked on
We have to look at the elderly as a heterogeneous group that has different needs and that an individual approach is necessary. - We also concluded that a larger number of health and social services in the community is needed, as a new strategy on aging. It is necessary to change the picture of aging and old age
Depending on the person, the pandemic affected older citizens differently. Unfortunately, most of them are negative. - The Covid-19 changed my way of life, but also my attitude towards old age. What old people need is to move, and we were denied that for a while. There was no going to the store or the market where part of the time was spent during the day. You had to rely on others, not yourself. Perhaps the hardest thing for me was that I couldn't use my "limp" legs to walk away to my neighbor, to drink coffee, chat ...
Due to the pandemic, all this is limited. In addition, we wake up every morning with the news of how many have died from Covid, how many people are on respirators. It all seems depressing, and that depression is not something we need in these years
Socializing and talking are also lacking for those who live in the city center, but also on the outskirts. - For those of us who do not live in apartments, but in houses, the pandemic has fallen more easily. We could go out into the yard, do something in the garden, around the flowers ... to at least somehow spend the day, but there was no family and neighborly socializing. Unfortunately, he is not there now either because most of us still avoid this type of gathering - we must pointed out that missed the fact that she could not go to the doctor during the state of emergency, despite major health problems.
For obvious reasons, these centers and clubs are not working yet. Many retirees miss this way of socializing. There are no usual conversations, tea parties, rehearsals of choirs and folklore, plays, exhibitions, poetry evenings, chess games… Now each of them manages in different ways. For most pensioners, the crown is, as they say, a step backwards in life, but there were also those to whom this situation came even as an incentive.Some of the pensioners who mastered social networks joined online courses where they learned decoupage technique, languages, knitting, crocheting… and some members also engaged in recreation "via computers". Most people over the age of 65, however, can't wait for this situation with the pandemic to be resolved and for them to return to their usual way of life.
U Republici Srbiji procenat osoba preko 65 godina će iznositi najmanje 22% do 2030. godine, što je skoro jedan na četiri stanovnika. Stanovništvo Srbije je sve starije. Osnovna odlika starosno-polne strukture stanovništva Republike Srbije danas je brojčana dominacija muškaraca kod mladog stanovništva, odnosno dominantnost žena kod sredovečnog i starog stanovništva. „Najstariji” je region Južne i Istočne Srbije, gde je čak 25% stanovništva starije od 60 godina