You can with everything but not with everything at once

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2 years ago

There are times in our life when unfortunately we want to do a thousand things and we cannot, terribly this frustrates us even to the degree that we get stressed and this releases cortisol and brings super negative effects to both our mental and physical health, since due to having this Elevated hormone can cause an endocrine alteration known as "hypercortisolism", so we must be vigilant when for x and reason we have stress, if you do not take care of yourself no one will do it for you.

Now continuing with the topic, of course we can do many things while we have the beautiful habit of knowing how to organize and plan, it may at first be tedious, because it is proven that to incorporate a new habit into our daily life we ​​must repeat the action when less for 21 days. If you think it is a very complex task, you are wrong you can plan and organize yourself even using your phone or a sheet and a pencil.

You ask yourself and what do I put on that sheet or electronic notebook? Start by planning your next day from the easiest task to the most difficult, putting an estimate of time and always trying to fulfill them in that estimate of time so as not to break the order of the following activities, you can also set your own short goals, medium and long term, as well as following your plan of action to achieve it, everything is a matter of you proposing it and having discipline.

Discipline is very important in any activity that we always intend to carry out, since it is the ability we have to put into practice principles such as order and perseverance to carry out anything that we propose, in addition to controlling any impulse that leads us to the wrong way.

My experience

I am particularly a person who wants to do things super fast therefore I get to very high levels of stress. Although with the passing of time I have learned to let things flow, there are always times when not everything is rosy and stress seeps into my life, but even so I always work to improve, to try to understand and let go of what was and leave. things flow.

What I can tell you with total security and confidence due to my experience is that we have to trust our processes, each one is different but with the perfect formula, always work and have discipline for what you want and want to improve can be achieved. But you have to trust yourself, in your process even if it is not always linear, you must enjoy it otherwise you will end up frustrated.

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2 years ago
