If BTC does ever become the global currency and replace all money, then 1 BTC would equal 68,5 million dollars.
A 11'000 times growth in other words.
With that in mind, projections for Bitcoin reaching $100'000 doesn’t seem so mad and it also seems unlikely John McAfee will need to eat his d*ck if Bitcoin fails to reach $1'000'000.
However, However, However, Bitcoin may be the world’s most well known cryptocurrency, but it’s far from the fastest, and far from the most scalable. QKC, ZIL, HOLO, and IOTA to name a few are faster, more efficient and more scalable.
I’ve borrowed this sweet infographic from Visual Capitalist about the world of currency for reference.
What do we think? can Bitcoin realistically ever reach $68'500'000? Or is another cryptocurrency more likely to be the de facto global currency? Discuss your theories in the comments below.
BTC can't become the global currency. BTC has failed und here can you read why: https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7