Like & Love

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3 years ago

One of the major decision that a human could encounter through this life is choosing who you'll marry. Choosing your better half, your partner and choosing someone you could live forever. Many would say that you should marry someone you love. Yes, ofcourse. And it is very admirable that you love him, but Do you like him?

I was browsing Tiktok the other day and I stumbled upon this video (i forgot the name of the uploader) who talks about marrying someone you Love. I had no intention to watch but i watched it because aside from he is a good speaker, it captures my attention. Well, I am in a 10year relationship but oftentimes i think if he is really the one.

I asked myself, and yes I Love him - no doubt about that. But, do i like him?

Every relationship starts when you started to like someone. When he started to show interest in you and decided to court you. In dating level, it is always best foot forward for both side. You'll only show your good side and it is very rare to show your not-so-good side at this level. Well maybe because you want to be 'perfect' for him to be impressed. While on his side, he wants to be accepted so he has to maintain his goodboy quality. And this continue until both of you had finally accepted each other and decided to be in a relationship, because both of you had fallen in love.

As years progress in your relationship, you'll discover traits that you think he/she didn't have. When both of you starts to become comfortable with each others company, both 'not-so-good' side will start to show. And this is when the conflict arises.

It's get even worse when you start to live with each other. There's this simple things that triggers your anger, which will result to quarrel and misunderstanding.

Conflicts & Compromises

When relationship start to become toxic, this is the time you began to questions your decision. Is it right that I marry him?

Even upon questioning yourself, even after knowing all of his shortcomings and not-so-good side, you still love him. Why?

Because you can Love someone even though you don't like him. Love is a feeling that you can't even explain literally in words. His traits and hobbies annoys you, his style dismay you, his choices don't matches yours, and you're too different with each other but YOU STILL LOVE HIM. That's why Opposite Attracts.

Opposite Attracts. Yes they do. But the question is, do they stay together forever?

Many conflicts can arise when two different personalities decided to be together. You love him but you just dont like him. How will your resolved that?

To overcome such differences both must know how to compromise. Proper communication must be practice and both must learn how to accept others' opinion. The real problem solver is, you two must focus on what's bringing you together. And if the time comes that each of your differences arises, compromise. Be each others support rather than pushing or molding your partner to be the one that you want him to be.

No relationship is perfect. If you Love him, accept him as a whole. If someone needs to be corrected, sit and talk about it face to face.

I know you Love him, also try to like him. That's how it will work out for both of you. Love is not only what you needed. You should LIKE each other too..

Thank you for reading 😊

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Avatar for mhaIdea
3 years ago


Before you get into relationship. You need to take enough time to judge him/her. Because who believe in human at end he feel shameful. To trust on human now a days so difficult. When you miss up with each other, both of you have potential to face eachother. In relationship main thing dose matter is Patience and understanding. When you see that next person is not fit for you or not mutual understanding than leave him on spot. Keep writing dear you would shine

$ 0.02
3 years ago

It's been a while since I saw a line like this:

Because who believe in human at end he feel shameful

So true~

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much for reading 😊

I agree with you, understanding is the key. And it is very hard to trust someone, to entrust yourself to anyone is like depending your life on him/her. I think we should really take our time before coming to a decision.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago