Gem Meteor Weekly Battle Challenge | Splinterlands #225

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1 year ago

This week’s battle challenge focuses on the Gem Meteor.

Card Details

A Chaos Legion edition epic level monster from the Neutral unit at level 2:

  • Estimated cost: $1.955

  • Range attack: 1

  • Speed: 5

  • Health: 5

  • Scattershot ability - Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target.

The Gem Meteor looks like a monster that has been summoned from the deepest darkest parts of the cavernourous pit, and when it surfaces in battle, it blinds you with its glistening gems. It's fascinating to do these challenges as it allows you to understand the lore behind different new monsters in splinterlands and gives you a deeper appreciation for the hard work done behind the scenes. Onto the Gem Meteor – naturally, being an epic-level monster from the Neutral unit will come with a hefty price tag. Do its attributes and stats deserve the price tag? Yes and no – I am a fan of its high speed, good health, and decent mana cost; however, I am not a fan of Scattershot ability and low-range damage.

Battle - Full Battle Replay

Battle Details

  • Mana cap: 32

  • Rulesets(s): Stampede

Lineup Details

  • Quix the Devious (Summoner): -1 range damage and -1 speed to all opposition monsters.

  • Mycelic Infantry + Carnage Titan: melee tanks with high armor, high melee damage and abilities to protect the backline.

  • Queen Mycelia: armor buffs to the team to aid in its survivability.

  • Gem Meteor: primary range damage.

  • Fungus Fiend: sacrificial lamb and serve as a decoy for Opportunity and Sneak ability opposition monsters.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

This battle was a skirmish of determining whose armor could outlast their opposition. Luckily for me, it worked in my favor, and I would've been disappointed, considering I lined up the battle with Mycelic Infantry and Carnage Titan, who had a combined armor of 14 (insane!). As for Gem Meteor, it survived long enough to do some damage but not enough to be the difference maker in battle.

Do you like the Gem Meteor? Why or why not?

Being a Neutral unit monster does give the Gem Meteor a lot of versatility and does explain its price. However, I see the Gem Meteor monster and similar monsters being more useful for whales who max out cards. Paying almost $0.5 for a monster that does one-range damage is not worth doing for me. However, over time, I see myself levelling it up to level four for my main account as it gains three-range damage, which already provides that extra value in battle. Still not a fan of the Scattershot ability, though.

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Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a good rest of the day!

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1 year ago
