Cursed Windeku Weekly Battle Challenge | Splinterlands #235

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1 year ago

This week’s battle challenge focuses on the Cursed Windeku.

Card Details

A Chaos Legion edition rare level monster from the Death unit at level 3:

  • Estimated cost: $6.525

  • Melee attack: 3

  • Speed: 3

  • Health: 10

  • Thorns ability - When hit with a Melee attack, does damage back to the attacker.

The Cursed Windeku are nightmarish creatures living in the darkest woods and hunting at night. The artwork of the Cursed Windeku must be one of the more violent and graphic artworks I have come across in the splinterlands ecosystem. It fits the depiction of a nightmarish creature that devours its prey. Stats-wise, at level three, it has all the stats needed for it to be the primary monster leading the frontline with lots of health, good damage and speed, and, importantly, the Thorns ability to inflict damage back to its opposition.

Battle - Full Battle Replay

Battle Details

  • Mana cap: 23

  • Rulesets(s): Lost Magic

Lineup Details

  • Thaddius Brood (Summoner): -1 magic damage and -1 health to all opposition monsters.

  • Cursed Windeku: primary DPS tank with Thorns ability.

  • Uraeus + Silent Sha-VI: duo Sneak ability monsters.

  • Soul Strangler + Xenith Archer: support range damage.

  • Corpse Fiend: sacrificial lamb.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

This was a relatively easy victory for me as my opposition had no real answer to the duo Sneak ability monsters, Uraeus and Silent Sha-VI, and they couldn't stop the onslaught from my backline. However, this wouldn't have been possible if Cursed Windeku wasn't leading the frontline. It provides so much protection and packs a very helpful punch. Also, the beauty of Thorns was in full effect in this battle, showing how powerful it is by doing that extra bit of damage against melee attackers.

Do you like the Cursed Windeku? Why or why not?

I previously wrote about how the Cursed Windeku is a Hydra in disguise. The Cursed Windeku is good value for players looking for a more affordable option with similar abilities to the Hydra. I often use it as the primary attacker in Death unit battles. Only four monsters have the Thorns ability at level one; therefore, Cursed Windeku represents good value for players starting out. Overall, a must-have monster for your splinterlands collection.

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Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a good rest of the day!

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Avatar for merurial9
1 year ago
