Python + Bitcoin Cash | Part 2

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4 years ago

This article is part 2 of my introduction to BitCash, a Bitcoin Cash software library for the Python programming language.

You can find part 1 here 👍🏻.

A quick recap

Let's refresh our memory with the basic features we saw so far:

Import the Key class and create a wallet:

from bitcash import Key

key = Key()

Display the address and balance of the wallet (in USD):


Send 10 cents (notice the list of tuples - that is because you can send to multiple addresses at once if you want):

key.send([('bitcoincash:qr02vc2t5yr9fe4ujdpkg99d5d0dgxstfqtgxg7umu', 0.1, 'usd')])

Good. Now let's do some more advanced stuff 😎

Now, one major issue is if you close your terminal, your funds are gone! We don't want that... Let's see how to backup your private key.

Note: the private key is what allows you to spend the coins. If you lose it, the funds are lost.


The to_wif() method returns the WIF - the Wallet Import Format. It is a human readable format of the private key. Save this somewhere, and if you accidentally close your terminal or your computer turns off, you can easily recover your wallet like so:

recovered_key = Key('YOUR_WIF_HERE')

Some examples 👨🏻‍💻

Show pair

Let me show you what a basic script with BitCash could be:

from bitcash import PrivateKeyTestnet

def show_pair():
    key = PrivateKeyTestnet()
    wif = key.to_wif()
    address = key.address
    return wif + ' is the private key associated with ' + address


# returns:
# cPQ6D6ad4ejj1xNuH5ApqM3QijtjL3pZwwkEM3Mxdmtts1fmHZtb is the private key associated with bchtest:qq25uvnlvacamvmuqulp2c3k7pgal0x3xucenm9cdv

Satoshi's Shotgun

⚠️ We will need to send transactions from now on. I am using the PrivateKeyTestnet class instead of Key so that I can send testnet coins, which have no value. It is a good practice for learning in order to avoid losing funds ⚠️

Now, a "Satoshi's Shotgun"- a script that aims to 'flood' the block chain with a lot of transactions:

import time
from bitcash import PrivateKeyTestnet

KEY = PrivateKeyTestnet('cRxqxzA7HPDzPxWvvE5HGDMZRQYwfwKyoWRzEdHxKREEo93yS4dd')
ADDRESS = KEY.address

def shoot():
    output = [
        (ADDRESS, 1000, 'satoshi'),
    KEY.get_unspents()  # this refreshes the UTXO set (see part 1)

def main(tx_count=10):
    for i in range(tx_count):
        time.sleep(2)  # sends a transaction every 2 seconds

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this script, we are sending a transaction every 2 seconds (we could do a lot better). Feel free to try it, I left some coins in the wallet.

Add data to the block chain ⛓

Every transaction is recorded forever on the block chain. You can also add arbitrary data to a transaction. Let's do that now.

In a Python shell, type:

from bitcash import PrivateKeyTestnet

testnet_key = PrivateKeyTestnet()
# 'cRxqxzA7HPDzPxWvvE5HGDMZRQYwfwKyoWRzEdHxKREEo93yS4dd'
# 'bchtest:qqt4x47tpvxpxgms3mhck94wujh9p29rmshrh9lqll'
# 1000000
output = [
    ('bchtest:qq0sea6rkxzw8eakxy65rwfftfh3qf97zgnagypgvx', 1000, 'satoshi'),
testnet_key.send(output, message='I am in the block chain!')
# '65e38d77950f2da958aa2132a93d13d78409612a86b6b701dfbff724d473bc82'

Boom! 65e38d77950f2da958aa2132a93d13d78409612a86b6b701dfbff724d473bc82 is the transaction ID. Let's see this in a block explorer (link here)

The message appears in the block explorer


There is much more you can do with Bitcash (offline transactions, Set your own fee, server integration...) but we have the basics covered.

In a next article, would you be interested in learning how to build a Telegram Bitcoin Cash tipping bot with BitCash? Please let me know in the comments 😃

$ 0.00
Sponsors of merc1er
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4 years ago


How about a MemoBot?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What is a MemoBot? :)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

found this, but can't seem to make it work. seems like it would be really helpful.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

just thought it would be cool if a bot could be created that would react to certain stimulus. if it could watch its own bch address (or someone else's) and respond in some way automatically.

Or maybe a program that scrapes content from different corners of the web and posts Memos automatically.

I'm thinking could use a bot that automatically posts a new Memo each time a new article is published here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I love Python and Bitcoin Cash - double love this :)

$ 1.13
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

Bitcash looks super useful for getting stuff done quickly

$ 0.00
4 years ago