It has not been long after Noise.Cash updated its platform to try and combat the rampant problem of spamming and low quality contents. As a matter of fact it hasn't even been 3 full days after that update and I can personally say that the overall experience in Noise has been changed.
"It's Unacceptable"
According to one of their posts, Noise.Cash finds it unacceptable that 96% of the posts in the platform are of "low quality" or spams. Let me say that again, 96%. Out of all the posts in that platform, all the multiple posts from the many users on that platform, 96% of all those posts are classified as spam. Judging by that number, either the system has a high standard of quality in posting or the users are just really not using it properly.
I have known Noise.Cash for just a couple of weeks now. It has been suggested to me by a colleague and a friend. He encouraged me to use it as a means of mining some cryptocurrency. And according to his explanation on what the platform does :
"You just post anything, just anything. About anything and no matter how you post, you will have the chance to earn while posting just whatever you want. You just have to be noisy."
Well, it sound simple enough so I tried it. I created my user account, set up my wallet and I got readied to browse and familiarize myself with the site. From the very first time I logged into it, I felt a familiar vibe within the platform. It's kinda like my twitter feed. People posts, you interact with the posts, you can comment, you can "heart" a post and the only difference is the $ sign on each post.
The user profile is pretty much the same, you can subscribe to people you want to follow but I don't know if it's just me or you can't really see the people you are subscribed to or your subscribers. I am not even notified when a post of mine gets a "heart". Or maybe I just don't know how to enable it.
Going back to the update, they seemed to have been fed up with the sheer amount of "low quality" posts from spammers and decided to lessen, if not eradicate it.
Eligibility Tag
The way they thought of fighting the spam around the platform is to limit the receiving of FT's. The system tagged users as Eligible or not Eligible. Those users tagged as Eligible will receive FT's from the system and those who are not Eligible won't be receiving FT's until their profiles are reviewed again. The tag will depend on the posts of the users published. The system determined the Eligible users to have posted acceptable quality posts. The users who posted "giveaways", "sub-to-sub", "done", "wow","nice" and other posts that aren't produced by making the brain cells work a little harder are tagged as not Eligible and were denied of receiving FTs.
Aside from Eligible and Not Eligible other tags were given on that update :
Not Reviewed yet
Eligible (Not Reviewed Yet)
Eligible (low quality, at risk)
After some time, maybe there has been some uproar about the update, decided to scrap the tags and just lay it bare to the users. A user has either FT or not, no more of the statuses attached to the profile.
Change of Pace
For the time that I have been a user of this platform, again it hasn't really been that long, I already grew tired of scrolling countless number of times only to see the same type of content over and over again. There's always the "first 10, first 15", the good mornings and the good evenings, the hi's and hellos. Please know that I am not complaining, I was just observing. Personally, I post good morning and good evening posts too, but you won't see those posts in my profile more than 3 times. I believe it's okay to post like that if you have other posts, but if that is all you can post then you have to think of something more.
After the update I can say that it is pretty obvious that those kind of posts have been lessened, some are still there but the difference is observable. I now see users putting in a little more effort in their posts than before. And I think it is a good thing. I personally see this as a challenge to my intellect and I have also adjusted the way I post. Although I still post sweet nothings and the like, my good mornings and good evenings are just part of a longer post now.
A friend of mine in there said that the overall mood of the platform has changed, the energy in it has declined quite a bit. Another friend also took it as a challenge and put more effort into her posts. Amazing.
Overall, I think that this update is a positive thing and was a necessary step in taking the platform to the next level. We get something from using the site and it's only fair that we also give something of value to it.
Though its name suggests noise, it does not necessarily mean that we should only produce noise. Even the unlikely sounds around us can make a lovely music if we can organize them a bit.
I hope that people won't get disheartened and discouraged by the update and hold on to it. It's a pretty fun community after all.
Lead image : Photo by Pressmaster from Pexels
I'm guilty how I invited some users to I told them almost the same thing like that one you quoted above.