BCH Saved My Life

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Avatar for meitanteikudo
3 years ago
Topics: BCH, Fiction, Short Story

"Rrrrrrrrrrrriiiiing! Rrrrriiiiiiiiiing!!!" the phone went on and was vibrating over the bedside table and woke Mike up aggravating the head ache he was feeling due to the hang over. Sure, the ringtone can be blamed but most of the pain came from the bottles of vodka he drunk last night to drown his sorrows away.

He got up with his hand on his throbbing head and he picked up the phone. "Hey, this is Mike."


Mike flinched and turned the phone away to see who the caller was. It was his boss, Jake.


"Okay okay. Geez man. Cool it." Mike answered while rubbing his forehead.

He got up and stumbled his way into the bathroom. In under an hour he was out of his apartment and ready for work. As he closed the door he looked down and saw an envelope and he opened it to find a letter inside. He read it and it turned out to be an eviction notice. He crumpled up the bad news and stuck it into his pocket. Out of sight, out of mind, he thought so.

"When it Rains, It Pours"

As he got into the office, he was welcomed by another batch of screaming and a barrage of profanities. The words just flew across, around and through him. The only words that made sense to him are "You are fired".

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Those are the words that kept resonating inside his head. He kept walking until he lost his way and he sat on a park bench in the middle of the business district. He gazed upon the water fountain in the middle of the park. Time passed him by and the sun went down and he was still seated on the bench with tired and lifeless eyes.

His stomach woke him up from his trance and decided that it was time to eat. He walked into a convenience store. 711 was the place to be, he was feeling thrifty and as a matter of fact, he had no choice. He looked into his wallet and shook it for a bit with the hopes that there's some cash hiding from his sight.

He picked up a boxed rice with a bit of viand and went to the cashier to pay for it. He opted to take it out and just eat it in the apartment. He was walking absentmindedly when he noticed that something was stuck at the bottom of his right shoe. He thought it was a gum and he accepted that it was just his day if that happened.

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He walked to the side and placed his one hand on the wall for support and he lifted his foot to take a look at what was impeding his stride. It was a sticky note. He plucked it up and there was something written on the piece of paper. The note goes: "read.cash earnings $50." He read it and tossed it in a nearby bin.

"You Never Know When Your Luck Will Turn"

He finished his meal at the apartment and decided to take another shower. As he was rinsing the soap from his face, the shower went out and the water won't come out. He was then reminded that he was unable to pay for the water bill for the month. He just wiped the soap and bubbles down with his bath towel.

He sat back on his couch feeling lonely and depressed. He was just fortunate that the building was running in a centralized power source so he still has electricity. He turned the TV on but there was no signal since he was also unable to pay for the cable company. He lied down and browsed on his phone.

He was reminded of the sticky note from earlier and decided to search what that was about. He typed in read.cash on the search bar and he was directed to a site with the same address.

On the homepage of the website he was shown what seemed to be a list of articles. On each of the articles, he noticed that there are amount indicated. Every article has a different amount. Since it was on the row where the views of the article seemed to be counted, he thought that it may be the amount the article had been paid to be published.

He read a few articles and he signed up after getting familiar with its interface. He tried writing one article. He wrote the situation he was in now and made it into a prose. He was grateful to the experience in writing he has. He uttered words of gratitude to his English teacher Mrs. Robinson for pushing him to write and write, essay after essay back in his school days. When he was satisfied with the piece he published it and went to sleep.

He woke up the next day almost late into the noon. He grabbed his phone and checked his emails. He frowned upon a single one stating how to claim his last pay and all that. He next went to his browser and the last page he visited opened before him. It was read.cash. He noticed on the upper right of his screen that he already have some couple of $ on his account. He clicked on the red bell and saw all the notifications. Most of them were from @TheRandomRewarder . He was curious of he was this generous user and went to check his profile. He later ascertained that he was a bot designed to reward random authors of the platform.

A smile crept upon his face and the feeling of hope filled his eyes. He continued browsing, writing and interacting with other users on the site and a month later, he paid all his bills and was earning a small but decent amount of money. He used whatever he got in search for a new job and he found himself a job in a marketing firm. He was grateful to that piece of sticky note that changed his fate and turned his luck upside down.

Hey there!

I hope that you enjoyed this bit and the message of this article. No matter how down we are in our luck, let us try to keep going and maybe, just maybe, we might just find something that will turn our lives around for the better. Never lose hope and keep moving forward.

Thank you for reading this article and finishing it. If you have any thoughts or ideas about this, kindly visit me on the comment section and let us chat for a bit. I am always looking forward to hear from you and as always,



Image 2 : https://www.contractingbusiness.com/columns/earl-king/article/20867178/commercial-hvac-sales-youre-fired

Image 1 : https://emliv.blogspot.com/2012/03/shoes.html

Lead image : http://llero.net/how-to-turn-around-your-luck-after-unfortunate-events/

$ 1.66
$ 0.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @carisdaneym2
$ 0.50 from @Pantera
+ 4
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Avatar for meitanteikudo
3 years ago
Topics: BCH, Fiction, Short Story


Ayun, nawala ng ast dues sa bills sir ,!! Hehe BCH saves us all matyatyaga sir,. Kahit kunti2 lang basta di humihinto.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha oo nga. Dapat ganun. Tuloy tuloy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can I also spread some sticky notes with the same words for others to know? I think, not, for now, I might get caught for littering LOL. Anyway, an enjoyable read. Thanks a lot, I am motivated. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha yeeep spread the word. Throw your seedwords. Haha just kidding. Never throw your seed phrase. Thank you for dropping by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Kala ko pa naman story ng buhay mo 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahhaa malay natin mayroong ganyan talaga ung kwento ng buhay dito. Hahahha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also have to thank Mrs. Robinson for her efforts. Great story and a happy ending!

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Haha yeaaah. She has done a great job. She even took care of my friend Christian. Lol Thanks for liking this one and also the upvote, I appreciate it man. Cheers!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Mate, this story was amazing!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks again. :) you're too kind.

$ 0.00
3 years ago