Love ourselves and believe in success

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3 years ago
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Our life is a great blessing from Allah Almighty but if we spend these blessings in right way then we can obviously say with certainty that happiness be long lasting in our lives. And success may become easy and nearer.

Just like every human being wants to collect all happiness of world, So we must stop hoping from others. Because when he hopes from others, they often don't fulfill our hopes.

We all know that everything in this world is temporary but still we associate our hopes with some people who hurt us.

It is a personal experience of my life that when we can keep ourselves happy then we can add other people to our happiness and keep them happy too.

Lige has given us once in this world. So try all the time to keep ourselves happy because it is generally seen that people who keep themselves happy are healthy people.

I would like to give some examples in this way. 

Have you heard that the elderly people in China are not often sick and they always looking healthy? 

The biggest reason for these people is that they don't always take any problem seriously and they know only small joys to be big and that is why they are always healthy.

The second is that they believe in hard work and success.

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3 years ago
