Traffic jam

8 27

Now-a-days traffic jam is a common problem in our modern life. Traffic jam causes many problem. It kills our valuable time. Sometimes, ambulance can't go to the hospital. As a result , patient had died on the road. There are many causes of traffic jam such as over taking tendency, unlicensed vehicle, narrow road . And again traffic police are not trained properly. That's why , they can't manage traffic.

This situation should not be continued. It should be controlled or stop. That's why,we tooks some necessary steps. Traffic rules should be maintained properly, unlicensed vehicle should be controlled, roads are should be wider and so on.

If we follow those steps, traffic jam will be controlled.

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As I experienced just be patient because we people are the causes why traffic occurs.Thank you for sharing

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, its happen very much in our country... I dont know when this will be finish...

$ 0.00
4 years ago