Seems like the bible prophesied the coronavirus "vaccines" (aka the experimental gene therapies)

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Seems like the bible prophesied the coronavirus "vaccines" (aka the experimental gene therapies):


By the “sorceries” of Babylon all nations were deceived. The Greek word for “sorceries” in verse 23 is “pharmakeia” [far-mak-i’-ah]! According to the Thayer Greek Dictionary “pharmakeia” is “the use or administering of drugs; poisoning; and sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it.” If you put the original Greek word “pharmakeia” in place of the English word “sorceries” the end of verse 23 would say, “For by thy pharmakeia were ALL nations deceived”! “Pharmakeia” is where we get our English word “pharmacy”!

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