Alive Unto God With Love And Obedience In His Words.😇

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1 year ago

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:11


Good Morning to All.

Here is my today's share:

Through Jesus Christ alone are we made "alive unto God. " If we are dead to sin, then it wil lose its power over us. If we are alive to God, we will respond in love and obedience to his Word and his Spirit.🙏🙏


Help us to live this day as dead indeed to sin and alive indeed to You, O Lord. You are the source of our life and the focus of our life. All of the spiritual exercises that You animate in us are directed back to You as the object of our affection and praise. With renewed minds and wills, let us serve You out of pure heart faithfully. Amen.❤️

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1 year ago
