Wedding Vendors Should Have Beautiful Websites Too

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Wedding vendors,

Are you worn out just thinking about your website? Do you want to pull your hair wholesaler out when it comes to trying to fit social media into your already hectic wedding schedule? You know that "experts" say that you should have an online presence, and that your website is your businesses' first impression to many brides now instead of a face to face meeting, but you don't know how to build a website. Besides who wants to fork over hard earned money to some web guru who is going to confuse your with techno speak and nickel and dime you for every little update and change you want to make?

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The bridal industry changes fast, so fast that at times it's hard to just stay on top of the latest trends, much less reflect those with your website and social media profiles. Besides, who really has the desire to learn how to DIY a website, or worse a free template site that lets you look like every other hobbyist out there?

Today's bride is online an average of 2 hours per day just simply for wedding research and with the invention of sites like Pinterest we know that time can increase quickly. Weddings are getting high-tech with the use of Instagram Hash tags and new mobile apps like Wedding Snap, and roughly 69% of all couples have their own wedding website.

Even more interesting is the number of women who are getting a jump start to planning the wedding of their dreams even before their man pops the question: according to the 2011 survey done by (released March 2012) roughly 16% of ladies fall into this category, which means that you have more opportunity to get in front of your ideal client than ever before.

So what is a wedding vendor to do? Maybe you've already shelled out a few hundred dollars to have a designer put together a website for you, but though it looks nice it doesn't actually connect you with your ideal client? Or maybe you hired a family member or friend who built you a site for just a few bucks and you don't love the way it looks, but don't want to hurt anyone's feelings? contact virgin hair suppliers.

Here are the steps you need to complete in order to have a beautiful website at your fingertips that you can manage as your business needs.

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