Baked chicken and pork chop !!

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3 years ago

My sister's family recipe

Good morning my dear friends, this time I want to share with you the family recipe Baked Chicken and Pork Rib that has accompanied us for years at our Christmas dinners.


• 1 whole chicken, medium.

• 1kg of pork ribs.

• 2 medium carrots.

• 2 potatoes or large potatoes.

• 2 large onions.

• Olives, capers.

• Garlic powder, or liquid.

• Soy sauce.

• English sauce.

• Cubes or spiced soup.

• Seasoned or powdered marinade.

• Salt.

• Oregano.

• White wine (optional).

Preparation: Wash your chicken and the rib well with plenty of water, with the help of a knife, begin to make holes throughout the chicken and the pork rib (while doing this step, preheat your oven to medium heat). In a cup, start mixing the Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, marinade, seasoned soup, garlic, oregano and salt, you must taste the mixture and rectify the salt, add the brine to all the chicken and the rib (spread all over the holes made and don't forget to add a little of the brine inside the chicken). Cut the carrots, potatoes, and onions into slices, and fill your chicken, in the holes created for the chicken and the rib, add the olives and capers. Take your chicken and ribs to the refractory container and add the liquids left in the mixture on top of both meats, add the wine. Set your oven to about 180 ° C and let it cook for about 45 min. During that time, take your preparation out of the oven at least twice to bathe with the cooking liquid. EASY, SIMPLE RECIPE, WITH VARIANTS ACCORDING TO THE CONDIMENTS YOU WANT TO ADD AND VERY ECONOMIC !!!! BON APPETITE!!!!

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3 years ago


This food is really so yammy and delicious and it is a good source of protein.Thanks for sharing with us😊

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3 years ago