One of the Best Day of my life

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Written by
1 year ago

Hi friends, this might not be the first time that I'll write something, but this is my first time in posting my stories here and I do hope that you'll enjoy reading the stories that I have been wanting to share with somebody but couldn't because I'm too scared to share it with them lol. Grammatical corrections would also be appreciated since my first language is not English ^^.

What I'm going to share today was one of the best days of my life, which was when I went to our Intramurals together with my best friends and friends.

It's a 5-day event and this is the first day ^^ (its me and my friends in the picture)

On this day, I lost my voice, I couldn't even speak a word because of shouting my classmate's name (which was one of the candidates in the pageant). My mom found out about it, and she said I disturbed some kind of unseen humans that's why I lost my voice T_T. It was indeed hilarious to hear my mom say that.

I also saw Levi from Attack on Titan, if you do know that anime series, that's why my voice was gone, I was shouting and fangirling so much that day, but hey, I had fun, that's all-what matters, am I right?

In day 2, I couldn't afford to move because of how tired I am on day-1 and well, how could I cheer someone if I don't have my voice, so I didn't show up on day-2 lmao.

Me and my friends also went to day-3 until day-5, we didn't go to the gym because it was so hot and there was a movie marathon going on in our school at that time, so we choose to go there instead of sacrificing our body to find air in that gym lmao.

I had so much fun in these days, and even though there are some problems that the other students caused, I still had a memorable experience, and my teachers are very well appreciated by me for they did what we craved for, which is the intramurals itself. Almost 4 years passed since the beginning of pandemic, and we got to experience this event again and within these 5-days were one of my best days.

Aside from my social life, I have also been liking in this game called Genshin Impact. I have been playing that game for almost 2 years now and I swear, it saved my sadness every time. People may say that I got the addiction in playing this game but it's just my coping mechanism. I could say that if I didn't discover this game, I would probably rot in boredom.

Kamisato Ayaka was in the banner and I was really expecting to get Tighnari or Qiqi but I won 50/50 again, I was so happy. I even shared this with my friends who don’t even play the game lol.

One of my hobbies would be singing and when I’m bored, I’d paint or draw something, not that I’m good at it, just doodling stuff..

It might be a few but these was one of the best days that I have ever experienced yet. This was kinda short but I do hope that you guys enjoyed reading this. I’m looking forward to chat with you guys. That’s all, have a good day everyone ^^

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$ 0.01 from @susanavel2005
Avatar for mauvi
Written by
1 year ago


hi day this is susanavel

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1 year ago

You finally got to write my friend. welcome to, have a great time here and meet amazing writers and friends as well

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1 year ago