The 3 things Mathematics Proofs can help you with

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3 years ago

So, you may have heard of mathematics proofs and how they are important to mathematicians. In this article, I'm not going to talk about how mathematics proofs can benefit those who already do mathematics, but the general public instead.

There are 3 things that mathematics proofs can help you with, even if you're not a mathematician:

(1) They can help you to think more logically

Mathematics proofs such as Pythagoras' theorem will give you a sense of how your perceptions and numbers are related. If you've never worked on a mathematics proof before, the best start would be to try to understand Pythagoras' theorem.

Pythagoras' theorem will teach you the connection between algebra and objects of proportion and length. You start off with a basic equation that is meaningless, based on what you perceive, and somehow through algebraic manipulation and thought, the equation a^2 + b^2 = c^2 pops out. It's beautiful. The logic is cold and austere.

  • Example:

(2) They can help you break problems down into smaller parts

Have you ever tried to solve a massive problem all at once only to realise it's impossible? I know I have, plenty of times. Thanks to mathematics proofs though (learning basic simple proofs), I've learnt to break problems down into smaller parts. This has helped me greatly in organising and scheduling tasks and also prioritising what is most important. I don't have to rush anything... If I know exactly what I have to do to reach my destination (it can be a grand destination) and the steps I must take, even if it takes 3 months to get there, if there is a clear mathematical path - and what I do is mathematically possible - I will get to where I want to be.

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(3) They will teach you to evaluate the meaning of truth

We have conversations with people daily about many different things, but how much of what we say and what other people say is actually true? Is there strong numerical evidence which backs up our claims and the claims of others? This may sound frightening, but most of what we and other people say isn't based on hard solid numerical evidence. We speculate a lot, theorise a lot and we allow our perceptions to cloud our judgements.

With mathematics proofs, you are either wrong or right and other people get to look at your work. If the numbers aren't making sense or things aren't balancing out, there's nowhere to run or hide... People will spot the errors. So, mathematics proofs can teach you the importance of backing up your claims with solid numerical evidence. You don't have to work on incredibly difficult proofs... Simple proofs and feedback will give your mind greater sharpness and clarity. Your truth will soon have far more weight as you'll have the numbers on your side.

I'll leave you with a quote by Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626), a freethinker who helped develop the scientific method and who was also influential during the scientific revolution:

"If a man's wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics."

Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626): Image by Paul van Somer I / Public domain

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3 years ago


nice 👍 im new here would you subscribe me please 😁

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3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Note: Bacon's birth and death dates were updated. Had to edit the article.

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3 years ago