Staking, a Crypto-Financial Option

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Avatar for martinezdamp
4 years ago

We can review and see many functions that have emerged from the world of cryptocurrencies, in fact most of them have their roots in the current financial system. One of the most interesting activities in the cryptographic world and that is taking an interesting boom, since it allows the possibility and ease of generating profits, is staking.

What I write is nothing new, but it is worth mentioning some tokens and platforms that help this branch of cryptographic finance to grow and generate more followers who do not necessarily have much time in this world.

We must all know and handle the concept of staking that is nothing more than an active participation in validating transactions that is generated in a chain of blocks, of course, part of this participation is rewarded. The most important thing in this process is to stay, according to the associated project, to see tangible results.

In a simple way, staking is the process of buying and keeping a cryptocurrency in a wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network, increase its security and give strength to the project, the more validations it has, the more appreciation begins to be given to the project.

However, it is important to note that staking is something relatively new and part of its strength is helped by the research you do to consider a project as part of your financial activities. Here, the token you choose is worth a lot, how it is listed in the market, its performance and the platform you select to know the hosting conditions and masternode service.

It is also vital to take into consideration that tokens are very volatile and can suffer from very strong loss processes, so it is necessary to know in depth the solidity of the project in which you are going to invest. The most interesting cryptos, with a strong base, known that we can investigate if we decide to enter this new business opportunity.

I attach a table, taken from the cointelegraph article, where relative, there are those tokens that present a good profile to consider an entrance to this world of staking.

However, we can talk about others a little better known such as VeChain (VET) or NEO that are good candidates but that do not exceed any of a performance greater than 6%. What is certain is that this theme allows enthusiasts to get other ways to take advantage of this world that generates new opportunities and that are there, just to be taken by us.

This article was originally published on my Publis0x blog under the following link. I invite you to read other related articles and delve deeper into this world of cryptocurrencies.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for martinezdamp
4 years ago


thanks for infromation

$ 0.00
4 years ago