Slave of circumstances

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1 year ago

You shall not be a Slave of Circumstances

People of great grit and high valour never succumb to circumstances. They marshal all their energies to take up the cudgels against adverse circumstances and score a victory. History abounds in men and women who did not allow themselves to be vanquished by unfavourable circumstances. It must always be remembered that one who has firm will power, strong self-confidence and steely determination never bows or bends s before inhospitable situations. As a matter of fact, it is our diffidence that scuttles all our prowess to move forward and take on unfriendly situations. Napoleon declared that the word 'impossible' was to be found in the dictionary of fools. Mahatma Gandhi faced the mighty British empire boldly and forced it to grant independence to India. No body could ever imagine that such a vast empire could be compelled to grant independence to India. It is only t the weak who allow themselves to be a slave to circumstances. The brave ones fight on and on till they succeed in moulding the circumstances according to their will. Certainly, this world is not meant for the coward or for those who acknowledge defeat at the slightest difficulty. Can't we remember that the present advancement in all fields of life including science and technology is the result of the efforts of those who conquered circumstances and gave the precious gifts of civilization to their posterity?

Man is the creature of circumstances (Robert). Circumstances ! I make circumstances (Napoleon).

Two contradictory statements of two great persons, which one would you choose? The choice is difficult. Isn't it ? ? But if we consider the achieve ments of these two persons, the choice becomes obvious. One feels inclined towards the great general- Napoleon. "Impossible is a word to be found in the dictionary of fools," and "Impossible! That is not good French" Napoleon said.

History is full of examples of big persons who were brought up in not too favourable circumstances and led a life of limitations and privations, and yet they rose to the highest positions. Washington, Stalin and Hitler are a few such examples.

In the modern time, in India the singular achievements of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar astonish us. None would have ever forecast that young Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi would become saint politician commanding respect on international level and will be immortal for ages to come. Likewise, who would have ever imagined that the Bhim Rao will be called one day the modern Manu or maker of the Constitution of a free India. Both these persons fought against both the outer and the inner nature, brought out their latent powers and became worthy sons of mother India. If some men could disown adverse circumstances, then why can't we and you do so ?

C.N. Bovee has rightly said that "It is our relation to circumstances.

that determines their influence over us. The same wind that carries one vessel into port may blow another offshore."

Man can make progress in life only when he grapples with unfavourable wind and weather. Mount Everest could never have been scaled if the courageous mountaineers like for Tensingh and Hillary had waited for the weather to be favourable. They worked to make the weather conditions suit them and became the conquerors of the highest spot in the world.

If our forefathers had accepted defeat at the hands of the circumstances, we should have been living in the conditions more or less similar to those of the Stone Age. The will of the men walking on the moon refused to bow before the most unfavourable conditions of nature and in the end all went right with the astronauts and they achieved what looked impossible. Examples are too many to show that all inventions and discoveries involved the indomitable courage of man. True it is that circumstances cannot enslave the man so long as he does not surrender himself before them.

Bapu, father of the Indian nation, M.K. Gandhi once wrote in the iron will. Harijan "Serious circumstances are the school of man. One who learns and adds to his knowledge in this school, goes ahead and the man who does not do so, remains a slave forever and becomes useless like stagnant waters," If our fighting forefathers could fight against the of man."

high waves of the seas and the unfavourable winds blowing against them, then why can't we be victorious over the circumstances ? When we are unsuccessful or get tired of fighting, we lay the whole blame at the doors of God or call it bad luck. By doing so, we refuse to see our faults and accept them; we refuse to take responsibility of our try to be a actions and try to a man who is anxious to cash a post-dated cheque on a failing bank. These pers not take any lesson to correct them y persons do selves and make amends. They like to take the opium of circumstances and follow the ostrich way of life.

Those of weak will-power are also weak in making and keeping resolutions Such persons accept used to defeat very soon and having lost self-confidence they begin expecting help from other quarters, forgetting that God helps those who help them selves.

Whatever may be their philosophy of life vis-a-vis the circumstances, no young man or woman would like to be called a coward and run from difficulties, because they know that persons who have toiled to place humanity on the present high rung of evolution were men and women of firm determination and ironwill.

If we we surrender to the fear born of the uncertainty of circumstances, we would not be worthy of divine hood with which man has been blessed. So, let us say with Disraeli "Man is not the creature of circums tances; circumstances are the creatures.

be happy

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1 year ago
