In part 1 you set up a barebones command-line Kotlin environment with proper PATH
settings and learned how to compile Kotlin source into a runnable .class
or .jar
file. Now, let's explore the interactive REPL.
Invoke as below:
> kotlinc
Welcome to Kotlin version 1.3.72 (JRE 1.8.0_181-b13)
Type :help for help, :quit for quit
and let's try a few cool & useful things such as how to check what a Kotlin object's class is via reflection :
>>> System.getProperties()
res0: java.util.Properties! = { ....
..... }
/* What type of object is this returning? */
>>> val sp = System.getProperties()
/* It's not a string, it's a Properties object */
>>> sp::class.simpleName
res1: kotlin.reflect.KClass<out java.util.Properties!> = class java.util.Properties
/* Compare to an integer */
>>> val x = 5
>>> x::class
res3: kotlin.reflect.KClass<out kotlin.Int> = class kotlin.Int
/* You can reflect directly on literals, not just variables */
>>> 42::class
res4: kotlin.reflect.KClass<out kotlin.Int> = class kotlin.Int
>>> "hello there"::class
res5: kotlin.reflect.KClass<out kotlin.String> = class kotlin.String
/* What members does the class provide? Let's make a helper
function to show them properly */
>>> fun listMembers(x:Any) { println(); for (m in x::class.members) println(m) }
>>> listMembers("I'm a string")
val kotlin.String.length: kotlin.Int
fun kotlin.String.compareTo(kotlin.String): kotlin.Int
fun kotlin.String.get(kotlin.Int): kotlin.Char
fun kotlin.String.plus(kotlin.Any?): kotlin.String
fun kotlin.String.subSequence(kotlin.Int, kotlin.Int): kotlin.CharSequence
fun kotlin.String.chars(): java.util.stream.IntStream!
fun kotlin.String.codePoints(): java.util.stream.IntStream!
fun kotlin.String.equals(kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Boolean
fun kotlin.String.hashCode(): kotlin.Int
fun kotlin.String.toString(): kotlin.String
I might add more REPL stuff to do here, but for now, you can head on to Part 3 where you finally build a GUI app using Kotlin and the TornadoFX framework!
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