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Avatar for marjerie
3 years ago

Being on top is not always the best. You feel a lot of pressure from people that surrounds you. The pressure you get when you fail on an exam for once. I used to be on top but ended up nothing when graduated. I was in a lot of pressure studying not from my parents but from my relatives. They see me as a walking medal but that first time I fail they did not comfort nor know what the problem is but instead throw harsh words that drags me down to the core. You don't know that feeling right? Well, I'm glad. I always strive even harder but that event in my life changes everything. The studious girl they knew turn out to fail not just in one subject but most of the subjects they took. I know I was wrong because I let those negativity eat my whole. I tried to stand up by little. Gladly, my parents never gets tired to uplift me.

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