Most people don't understand Mental Health and what it does to some.
Mental is the state of someone's psychological well being. And cannot be controlled. Mental Health should not be ignored. The state of your mental health can affect the way you act, think or do.
Bad state of Mental health can result to mental illness. Although Mental health is now being more acknowledged by the Generation Z, there are still some who have no idea about it.
You can watch videos on Youtube on how others experience it.
If you think you or a friend needs help with your Mental Health, Talk to someone who you know will make you feel better. Seek professional advice or treatment.
Always remember to be nice to people, you don't know their inside struggles. Spread Love. Learn To Forgive.
And to you;
If you're feeling tired or hopeless,,
Take some rest, It's okay . It is a difficult time but you are strong. You can do this. You are LOVED. You are not alone.
Mental Health Is also Important like physical health Because when you are mentally depressed You Can't Enjoy physically too