Myths in Self Growth and Suggestions To Take You Forward

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3 years ago

It is regarded as a miracle drug for personal growth.

The purpose of this essay is to show that the method and habit are essential to the progress of personal growth and that nothing else matters. Over the years, I've tested several different kinds of theories, techniques, and techniques from all the leading experts in space.

I'm going to dive into three particular personal growth theories. This is speaking from experience and my opinion of what happens for me, I've been using each other over the years, and they just failed to deliver, for me.

Here are a couple of theories I've learned.

Myth # 1—Daily Journal's solving the issue

All advises that you get a book. People are expected to write why they're grateful.

At the moment, I was aiming for something that would be very motivational on a day-to-day basis. He implemented a simple method for the structure of your regular journal in his book.

At first, my feelings were 'WOW this is going to change my strategy.'

The idea was that every day has a theme:

Monday — Thank you: Write down three reasons to be thankful.

Tuesday — Terrific Times: Explain the wonderful experience of my life.

Wednesday — World Fantastic: Write down your dream world to see what it 's going to be like.

Thursday — Dear ...: Write a letter to an important figure in your life.

Friday — Review of the situation: Write down three items from the past seven days that went pretty well, no matter how insignificant they were to help keep a good attitude.

Myth # 2-Your breakthrough is to concentrate on contribution and development.

Tony Robbins has this definition of the six human wants or needs in general. And if you can build an atmosphere where you satisfy all six of these needs on a regular, weekly, or ongoing basis, then you're going to be much happier and overall more successful.

After reading about the 6 human needs, I decided to formulate a method that would take action in each region. I'm going to explain below.

The needs are as follows:

1. Convenience / Comfort. We just want some warmth. Part of this confidence comes from assurance, or from being able to anticipate or foresee what comes next. There is no ABSOLUTE guarantee, of course, but we want assurance that the engine will run, that the water will flow from the tap when we turn it on, and that the money we use will retain its value.

2. Variety, guy. While we need certainty, we still want diversity at the same time. When things are unexpected and fresh, they give rise to curiosity, fear, and wonder. Paradoxically, there has to be enough complexity to deliver spice and adventure in our lives.

3. Relevant. We just want to be important deep down. We want our life to be meaningful and meaningful. For many, there's no worse death than to end up believing it doesn't matter. Significance can come from intrinsic or extrinsic signals that you are important, special, different, and/or cherished.

4. Connection / Love, please. Joy and the friendship of others is so much a part of meaning that it is a distinct necessity of its own. Humans are innately social beings and need to be related. It would be impossible to argue against the desire for affection. We're trying to be part of a culture. We're wanting to be cared about and cared about.

5. Progress. Progress. Development and moving forward is a human experience. That's what we do as a society and personally by advances. While there could be some people who claim they don't want to evolve, I guess they're just scared to do that — or maybe they don't. It's a simple necessity for all of us, including those who don't know or demonstrate it.

6. Contribution to it. Another intrinsic need is the ability to contribute something of worth. It is in our essence to support people, to make the planet a better place than we have found, and to make a commitment. That's where the saying, "It's easier to give than to receive" was first discovered. Our contribution allows us to interact, to feel meaningful, to stimulate development and to feel happier overall.

Myth # 3—Do not obey one "guru" (there is no one approach)

There are a lot of career professional growth opportunities out there!

Although if you do all of them all the time you will eat too many. If you're focusing so hard on self growth and trying to "find satisfaction," you do not have the patience to either take steps or create healthy habits.

The best thing you can do is learn A LOT about all the best 'thinking leaders' in and area of well-being, success, satisfaction, operation, resources and wellbeing.

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3 years ago
