With continuous and iterative reviews, how to drive morale

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3 years ago

Team building and scaling relies on how much inspiration and motivation you can instill in them. You will build a more centered and happier team by actually listening to what they have to say.

To get real-time feedback on sentiment, use a simple Google form every week, which will help create confidence within the team and improve your ability to listen.

Only tell me more:

When the team begins to expand, it can be a challenge to worry about the community, manage a team, keep individuals engaged and eventually drive performance. Start thinking about how to develop trust in your leadership by a 'listen first' technique that is not constrained by being placed in the office next to a team member.

But also, concentrate on not being intrusive, which may make them feel like snooping on whether they are doing work is the management style.

Creating a Google form with 3 fast questions is a super simple approach:

What your week was like (scale 1:10)

Brain-dump your thoughts in more detail. Please be descriptive (Great / OK / Awful / Meh).

Leadership input (where support is needed, vision is clear and how you feel/ anything!) Be specific, please.

Schedule this email for a particular period per week (automated), i.e. By 11:45 on Friday. Importantly, you need to describe why you take this approach and the importance for the members of the team, not the importance for you.

It's not about you, it's about helping to understand what assistance, support and advice your team member requires to work efficiently.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
