Wasting your breath, are you?

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3 years ago

"It's not your job. You don't know how much money you've got in your bank. You aren't the car you're driving.

I've probably read Fight Club five or six times. But when I recently reread it again, that line really struck me. If you try to pursue all those things, are you wasting your life?

It's easy to get so lost in the middle of our search of something we're pursuing, that we lose sight of what counts, and before we know it, we spend our time finding the wrong things.

Setting targets and following stuff in life is perfect. However, to live a meaningful life, you do not need anything you are pursuing. Here's the reason.

Not the bucket list, you are

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you really have to make it count to do insane shit. If you keep running from one thing to another so that you can cross stuff off your agenda, and can chat about it at events, it's all pointless.

We buy things, we drink, we leap off cliffs, we go on holidays, we travel to new places, we change jobs, but once we've done those things, nothing changes internally.

I'm not saying there's a bucket list you shouldn't have. But without one, we can know we will live a fulfilling life. Don't put yourself under pressure simply to do something. Who's caring? Your life isn't a slogan for Nike.

For so few, you will survive and be happy. You will go and do the things you really like with that realization, and not only because any article says: 10 Things You Can Do Before You Die.

Not your social standing, you are

All means to quantify ourselves are college degree, career description, number of friends and followers. We need to determine, somehow, where in society we stand.

Are you a winner, or is it a loser for you? What we're chasing is that. We're all doing stuff to round out our resumes and improve our network. We'd like to say, "I went to University X." Or, "I work at University X."

You are not better than any other human being, no matter what your social standing is. We no longer exist in the 18th century. Nobody cares for your place in society. People care for your personality and talents.

You're not the account of your bank

Money is great. Let's be frank, you can not do anything without it. If you want to get away and live in the woods and be as self-sufficient as Thoreau, feel free to do so.

But you need money to survive if you want to be a part of society. We grant money more influence than we need to, though. We let money rule the choices in our lives, and that's too much.

The reality is that it comes and goes with money. In my life, I've wasted a lot of money, so what? Cash, don't let it rule you, is an asset.

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3 years ago
