Procrastinate. Do you know what it is?

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3 years ago

Many times we leave pending with excuses to do it later or putting any other project first, in the end you do not end up doing one thing or another. This is called Procrastination. Do you want to know more? Do you put aside your projects with false justifications? Read on and see what procrastination is all about.

Surely you are one of those who have a million ideas and want to do them all at the same time. You start to develop them and then for some reason or another you put them aside. In the end, you cannot complete any of the proposed tasks, this is called Procrastination.

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination comes from the Latin procrastinare, the particle pro translates forward and crastinus refers to an after. That is, leaving or postponing some task, project, study or other goal for the future. In many cases, this delay is due to the fear that a person has to face such situation. For example, sometimes we do not do the promotion work that could take us to another level in our work for fear of not knowing how to face the responsibilities that the position entails.

Are there types of procrastinators?

There are two types of procrastinators:

  • The occasional or occasional procrastinators. These types of people put aside their activities or projects with trivial excuses, however this attitude is not recurrent and therefore they sometimes achieve their goals.

  • Chronic procrastinators. This type of people puts any excuse for not completing their tasks, many times their disorganization, low self-esteem, poor time management or they are highly perfectible people, that is, they want everything to run perfectly without errors or failures. By having this type of repeated behavior they do not reach their achievements and in many cases they live in constant frustration.

What are the causes of procrastination?

Procrastination has a lot to do with people's attitudes. The security, independence and vision of life of individuals greatly influences. In general, the people who tend to procrastinate the most are subjects with low self-esteem, unfocused subjects without a plan or life project, depressed, with a high degree of perfection in the activities they carry out, people who fear failure, being rejected , others.

How do I avoid procrastination?

Experts recommend some techniques to avoid procrastination, rather than avoiding, they are very valuable tips that help us face situations in the best possible way.

  • The first thing experts recommend is organization. In these troubled times we must organize ourselves in the best way, give each task a stipulated time for its execution.

  • The second thing is to get things done. If we intend to get a master's degree in three years, we not only have to organize our time, but we have to sign up and start studying. Likewise, if I intend to write two daily posts, I must do so, without excusing myself in time, the internet or otherwise.
  • Ask for help. When you see that you cannot handle a task and that it is costing you more time and energy, don't hesitate to ask for help. The fact that you ask for help does not mean that you are weak or do not know about the subject, without the look of another can be of great help.

  • Reward yourself. At the time of completing a task it is essential that you treat yourself, that you feel that your efforts, your hard work has been worth it. Rewards are a much appreciated incentive that will make you want to keep doing your tasks.

  • Security, self-confidence, self-esteem. Every time you manage to complete a task, a project, an objective… it will give you more confidence in yourself, this will allow you to challenge yourself and demand even more of yourself to obtain good results in another project.
  • ero perfectionism, zero fear of failure. The extremes are not good, so wanting everything to perfection is not healthy, you wear yourself out and get frustrated by not obtaining that perfection, in addition, the imperfect is also perfect. It also happens with failure, you cannot think that all your activities are destined to fail, so forget about that and execute your activities in the most positive way.

  • Jump out of your comfort zone. Many times we get stuck and this is a way of procrastinating, sometimes out of fear of getting away from what we know, out of fear of doing something different. Forget about it and experience new things, maybe you are very good and you did not know. So take a chance.

If you think that you are making too many excuses for your tasks or that you find yourself avoiding one or another situation, try to follow some of these tips.

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Written by
3 years ago


I learned a lot from your post, your written skill is very well. Thank you so much for your valuable article.keep it up dear friends.i will waiting for next article

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3 years ago

Thank you for reading. I'm glad you liked it.

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3 years ago

Some people just refuse to implement when they're new, because they're scared of failure, scared of success, confused, procrastinate and a ton of other reasons. Fact is - some people just need a hand getting going.

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3 years ago