10 tips to avoid boredom in children

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3 years ago

Have you ever heard: Mom, I'm bored? Now what do I do? I have nothing to do.

"Mom, I have nothing to do, I'm bored", that complaint is heard by all mothers in the world from time to time. Children get bored and irritable as a result, and neither toys, stories, nor comic books seem to amuse them, even television and video games no longer excite him. The solution? Look in closets, cabinets and drawers, and you will find a multitude of things of daily use that can become as many games. If you continue reading you will find some tips to entertain children and prevent them from getting bored.

  1. Gather a few old magazines and give the children scissors. Tell them to cut out all the car shapes (or animals, flowers, house, etc.) they see and offer a small prize to the one who finds the most shape.

  2. Take out an album of old photos (from when you were a child, or when grandparents were young and show them to them. Children love “family memories”!

  3. Find a few kitchen utensils that are shatterproof and do not have sharp edges or sharp ends (such as a plastic measuring cup and container, rubber spatulas, wooden ladles, etc.) and place them in a drawer or drawer within reach. of the kids. You will see that they have more fun with them than with toys!

  4. Give them a lot of old clothes and complete with accessories such as hats, shoes, bags, costume jewelry…, so they can dress up as they like. After they have dressed, ask them to do a “fashion show” for the adults.

  1. Take them to the park or sign them up for some sporting activity. Children by practicing a sport that they like, feel motivated and will stay entertained and will have no reason to be bored.

  2. You have to give them some responsibilities at home, in this way they collaborate with the family, it is also fun for the child.

  3. It is important to help them organize their time, encourage them that all activities should have a schedule. Define a schedule where they have time to do their homework and time to play.

  4. There are many games from your childhood that they do not know, tell them about them and show them how they are played, I am sure they will be surprised and have a lot of fun.

  5. Invite your friends or a family member who is the same age to play. The more children that are gathered the more entertaining they will be and the more creative they will be.

  6. Encourage them to develop their creativity so that they can make up their own stories or do a craft.


Many times as parents we make the mistake of sending the child to watch television or play with the cell phone to avoid being disturbed because they are bored, it is preferable to offer them an activity where they can express their creativity and learn while they are creating. We are facing a generation of children with great creative potential to be developed, especially in the field of crafts, gastronomy, digital and scriptural arts.

In addition, from these tips we can also create photo sessions with the activities we do, fun photographs and frame them, other activities that we can encourage and place in our daily planning is a "crazy hour" in which we can jump, mess, dance, run , sing at the top of your lungs… do something that is different and fun for all the members of the house.

Children need a moment to express themselves and to interact with all members of the family. That is why, when we are "bored" a door opens for us.

Main image source:https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/let-kids-be-bored/

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Written by
3 years ago


While we as parents often make the mistake of sending kids to watch television or play on cell phones because they are bored, it is best to express their creativity to avoid bothering them and to provide them with an activity they can learn while creating.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Children are born to play, create, and feel great satisfaction. They want to have fun. They want to be involved. They relish that surge of initiative that is so abundant in childhood. When they lose it, they suffer.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello @HandyCraft, you are right for those we must let children enjoy their childhood to the fullest. Greetings

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3 years ago