The Power of Theory

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4 years ago

Scientists and Philosophers theorized many aspects in life, and that matters on living. Doubts and curiousities fed humanity to grow more and satisfy themselves for learnings. Theories always in between to prove unclear thoughts and ignorance in living made to validate the wrong opinions of dolt.

What important of theory is that, as the universe expands, the knowledge of humanity grows in vast also that it surpassed the point of limit, the theory became documented, and even now being touch by a human.

Many equations and hypothesis been scratched out, and long term of waiting to prove it. And ah, to produce new sprout of probability, and predict good outcome that has explicative statements.

But what if we could theorize love? Love is broad, what if we theorize it on our own ways?


⒈ We never fell in love if it is driven by mere infatuation with someone you’ve met for only split second. That is never be called love because it is never. Love never been simple, because it is a labyrinthian feelings.

⒉ There are categories made, status, or label to classify as our terms for love. The highest label we set up is something we can’t explain yet because it is not in there, or we don’t feel it yet.

⒊ We become fragile when love hits our mind. Our aegis became breakable after. We become defenseless.

⒋ There are no butterflies in our stomachs when we feel love, it’s a feeling of hunger or your organs affected by your mind because of love.

⒌ For teens thought it was all about destiny, but it is on our life, we made it by ourselves, and we must blame it to ourselves then. Reality is reality, not fantasy and for you can manipulate a love story of you and a young one that would never happen in real life.

⒍ We are ready to get hurt by scorching affection to someone. We would be a devotee, and ready to accept all of flaws if you really love the one.

⒎ Your assumption about when we feel love, the time became in slow-motion scenario, but not really. You only focused on the person that’s why you thought time was slower than the normal one.

⒏ There is no love at first sight, because you only fooled by its look. You just love its look. Enough with metaphorical words that its ocean eyes were calming as like you felt heaven kissed Earth after, and you fell to its unfathomable glance.

⒐ Love changes people. It is like a radioactive decay that is unstable atomic nucleus; a seed in every person lurking in the labyrinth of mind.

⒑ We became daydreamer.

⒒ EXTRA THEORY: We can be the broken lover though we never experienced it yet, and we can write pieces with love though we never became a lover, or never had one.

Now, tell me, what are your theories about love?

Theorized this Love


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Written by
4 years ago


Many have tried to describe love. It works best in poetry. But love is a feeling that cannot be described properly with words. It can also not be wrapped up in any theory. Either one loves or one doesn't.

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4 years ago

In science, it's all about the immune system though and neural responses

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4 years ago