A trained dog has all the predispositions to instill normal acceptable behavior into his daily behavior. Through exercises and education, the dog accepts the owner's guidance, thus establishing trust and obedience.
The owner of the dog becomes the leader, and the dog, hierarchically below him, carries out the order of the leader. The puppy must find his place in the family he considers a pack.
Dog behavior should not be bought, but rewarded after a command, proper reaction or good behavior.
In orders and execution, the owner must be consistent, because the owner is the leader of the pack and he sets the rules. It is the owner who defines the time of the game, the time of the walk, the time and duration of the training and thus the level of tolerance.
The exercise should always be stopped while the dog is still interested in such a way of playing and after a properly performed exercise. By stopping the game in time with the dog, we leave a positive impression on the game and interest in the next day.
The concentration of the dog to participate in the exercise is 10 minutes and compared to the child it is 45 minutes or one school hour.
Ponašanje psa
Uvežbani pas ima sve predispozicije da normalno prihvatljivo ponašanje usadi u svoje svakodnevno ponašanje. Kroz vežbe i edukaciju pas prihvaća vodstvo vlasnika pa se tako uspostavlja poverenje i poslušnost.
Vlasnik psa postaje vođa, a pas, hierarhijski ispod njega, izvršava naredbu vođe. Štene mora naći svoje mesto u porodici kojeg smatra čoporom.
Ponašanje psa se ne sme kupovati, već nagrađivati nakon izvršene komande, pravilne reakcije ili dobrog ponašanja.
Kod naredbi i izvršenja vlasnik mora biti dosledan, jer je vlasnik vođa čopora i on postavlja pravila. Vlasnik je taj koji definira vreme igre, vreme šetnje, vreme i trajanje obuke pa tako i nivo tolerantnosti.
Vežbu treba uvek prekinuti dok je još uvek pas zainteresovan za takav način igre i nakon pravilno izvedene vežbe. Pravovremenim prekidom igre kod psa ostavljamo pozitivan dojam na igru i zainteresiranost za sledeći dan.
Koncentracija psa za sudelovanje u vežbi je 10 minuta i u usporedbi s detetom je to 45 min ili jedan školski sat.
Wow nice article! Good job!