Why do people have nosebleeds?

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3 years ago

Bloody nose can be caused by minor damage to the inside of the nose, but this can also be a manifestation of many other more serious illnesses that you need to be aware of.

Nasal fluids, or mucus, are produced by the body to fight viruses and bacteria. When you are unwell, your nose may bleed to indicate that.?According to the ear, nose and throat specialist, if you have the phenomenon of bloody nasal discharge, bleed out the nose, you may have one of the following conditions.?

Bloody nose - what is the cause?

Nose bleeding occurs when the mucosa is damaged, blood vessels build scratched, broken or torn causing bleeding. Often, when the nose bleeds many people often think of nosebleeds. However, according to specialists, bleeding rhinitis is a warning sign of health problems, especially in the respiratory tract.

Diseases related to the nose

Injury to the nose: The cause may be due to dry nose when the weather is cold, blowing nose too hard or traumatic nose causing bleeding.

Allergic rhinitis: Patients may sneeze, runny nose, runny nose may be mixed with blood, cough ... due to body contact with allergens such as dust, pollen, animal hair ... Allergic rhinitis is a common disease in the spring.

Nasopharyngeal discharge: Symptoms of nasopharyngeal discharge include sneezing, runny nose, frequent stuffy nose, shortness of breath ... In severe cases, patients will have edema of nasal mucosa. in nasal discharge fresh blood, loss of ability to smell, ...

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Sinusitis: Patients with sinusitis often have symptoms such as frequent nasal discharge that may be thick or thin, and a fishy odor. Nasal discharge is yellow or green, sometimes with blood.

Nasal polyps: Patients with deformed nose due to the appearance of proliferating tumors in the nasal mucosa or sinus cavities. Besides, patients also have other symptoms such as stuffy nose, bloody nose, headache, tinnitus, hearing impairment.

Sinus nasal cancer: Patients with typical symptoms are dull face pain, fever, yellow nasal discharge mixed with blood. This condition can be life-threatening if not treated properly and promptly.

Nasal congestion or respiratory infection: You may blow your nose from blood due to a stuffy or respiratory infection. Frequent blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing due to breathing conditions can cause blood vessels to burst. You may have a stuffy nose or respiratory infection due to a common cold, allergies, sinusitis or other health condition.

Tumors in the nose: Although very rare, bleeding from the nose may be due to a tumor in the nose. Other symptoms of tumors in the nose include: Pain around the eyes, stuffy nose that gradually gets worse

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3 years ago
