Corona infection salve 'Home made'

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Avatar for mak1975
3 years ago

*A drop of Lemon 🍋 Juice*

Shocking cure for corona infection that is scaring the whole world!

If you put just one drop of lemon juice in your nostrils, the virus will come out through the mouth in the form of blisters in the nose, throat and lungs and you will have to spit it out. Then add a few drops of lemon juice and a pinch of salt to lukewarm water and roast in the mouth. Spit out. Then you will feel very relaxed. Then apply *Olive oil* on your nostrils with your fingers.

*He adds that doubling the lemon juice works wonderfully as a sanitizer*

Apply lemon juice on your hands and head, spray on your clothes and spray in rooms so that the corona virus does not infect you or your loved ones. It will not come near you.

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nice article

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3 years ago