You'll find what you've been looking for all this time

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Every experience tells us something. Most of all, it tells us a lot about ourselves, about what we want and what we don't want in ourselves. Duality is an inevitable part of life, that's why the starting point is to stop seeing situations, issues, people, events at the two extremes, maybe despite all the difficulties...

Whatever we call good sometimes hides some difficulty and maybe evil in it... Whatever we call bad, even if it is bad at the time, maybe it is rewarding after a while and can hide a great wisdom in it...

We can see as much as our perspective stretches. Whatever you are going through, good or a little bad or a low point or a peak... It is useful to look at your story from the temporal reality. Therefore, how much can you widen your field of vision, beautiful person? Whatever you're going through, good or a little bit bad or a low point or a peak...

It is useful to look at your story from a temporal reality. The information you have today can turn into a completely different reality tomorrow, you can experience it personally.

Witness, watch, observe, notice, realize, live and move on with everything you experience. If for a moment your mind falls into the trap of judgment, criticism, blame, bring yourself back to awareness. Right in the moment you are in. Then you will see.

Smiling alone can make us happier. Moreover, when you support it with positive thoughts, its effect increases even more.

Whatever you look at, what you see, what you tell yourself, comes out of you. So whatever you are looking for, look at yourself, whatever you are looking for in yourself, you will find more than enough, beautiful person.

This is perhaps the simplest but most effective strategy to be happy. There are many ways to remind yourself to be grateful; you can keep a diary, you can identify three things to be grateful for that day at a certain time every day, or you can respond with gratitude when you see kindness from others.

One should be able to change constantly. One should constantly renew oneself, tear down some things and build up others without destroying one's essence. In fact, this is the only way to get closer to the essence to which one must remain loyal. Because life is a little bit about distilling that essence. One must learn to be an alchemist. He must learn to melt his pain, conflict, curve, truth, joy, what he knows, what he doesn't know.

One must realize that only by doing this can one get closer to oneself. Constantly chasing the promise of happiness, seeking only pleasure and experiencing pleasure in narrow molds, being stuck in the comfort zone in order not to lose peace makes the person ahistorical and ineffable. In this order where everyone is trying to be "someone", one cannot go beyond being "anyone" who is no different from anyone else.

In the age we are in, we are experiencing radical changes, perhaps more radical than we have ever experienced before. Even if we have so far tried to remain constant, held on to what needs to be let go, resisted the current, we must realize that this is no longer enough for us.

We need to pursue our own questions. We may have been advised that we only need to "do" in order to move forward. But it may also be necessary to "tear down" in order to move forward, and this is also healthy. If a building is damaged, adding supports to the columns may not protect it from impending destruction. But it is also possible to demolish the building and build a brand new, safe and sound building. The trick is to choose well what to demolish and what to build, and where you need support.

Change is sometimes unsettling, uncomfortable and requires effort. But it is also the only way for the person who seeks more than what everyone else knows and sees and wants to walk his or her own path. As one walks one's own path, one transforms into oneself.

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$ 0.02 from @Unity


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