Did you know that regular sex is good for muscles, heart and bones?

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3 years ago

Love for human health seems to be beneficial. This is at least supported by scientists who have been involved in the…
specific. Sport and have discovered benefits that are not so well known.

It is well known that many calories are lost during sex. But did you know how good love is in our hearts, bones and muscles?

According to researchers, sex relaxes muscles and soothes the neck and shoulders, according to Dr Arun Ghosh, who specializes in sexual health at a Liverpool hospital. "I have patients complaining of poor eyesight after sex. What happened is that, like all other muscles in the body, their eye muscles relaxed. "But this is something completely natural."

Sex also protects the heart. A study from Queen University in Belfast found that having sex three times a week reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke by about 50%. The scientific explanation is that the endorphins released during sex also neutralize the stress hormones in the body, which are associated with heart disease. The risk of having a heart attack during sex is minimal to negligible. But the risk increases with extramarital affairs.
Finally, it turned out that sex also benefits the bones. Especially menopausal women who had sex every week had twice the level of estrogen. This hormone has a protective effect on bone health and its deficiency after menopause has been linked to osteoporosis.

So those who have sex often have absolutely nothing to fear. Experts, doctors and scientists conclude that sex is good for health!

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Having sex regularly is good but, not many people can do it. Women tend to wear out as soon as they have given birth to a number of children. Sex nolonger interested to them.only a very minimal percentage of women can have sex more than 2 times a week.

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3 years ago