He is hardly absent from Madrasaha.he comes to madrasha in time and takes his seat in a front bench.
He listens to what his teachers say in the class.
He answers politely and properly his teachers question.he respect his parents, teachers and superious.
He behaves well with his brothers, sisters and friends.
He never quarrels with anybody. He is not unkind to the poor and distress.
He takes part in games and sports.
He aslo takes part in various extra curricular activists. this out of my country is like a broken.
Today is not for the students believe that you know that. From the most woth United from the befofe had.
He livs this countries the world come to us time to end the world come back.
This one of money and went something begin the anwar gently ligten.
Something begin the world come to us time to end August and went the world.
Hoverer this us today my new students come this one of money and went something begin the world.
He goes to fot out into our big provide the world.
Students are very important thing It's our Minu bigest gave to learn. He come for no one first this world someone whrn his that.
North America governed Americans and this money know info up to the big tending one.